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PivotGridCsvExportOptions Members

Contains options that define how a document is exported to CSV.


Name Description
PivotGridCsvExportOptions() Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridCsvExportOptions class with default settings.


Name Description
DocumentCulture Gets or sets the export document’s culture which defines numeric and date-time data formatting settings.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
EncodeExecutableContent Gets or sets whether to encode potentially dangerous content from a control or document when it is exported to a CSV file. Inherited from CsvExportOptions.
Encoding Gets or sets the encoding of the text-based file to which a report is exported. Inherited from TextExportOptionsBase.
EncodingType Gets or sets a value used to serialize the TextExportOptionsBase.Encoding property. Inherited from TextExportOptionsBase.
ExportColumnAreaHeaders Gets or sets whether to include column field headers in the exported CVS document.
ExportDataAreaHeaders Gets or sets whether to include data field headers in the exported CVS document.
ExportFilterAreaHeaders Gets or sets whether to include filter field headers in the exported CSV document.
ExportRowAreaHeaders Gets or sets whether to include row field headers in the CSV exported document.
ExportType Gets or sets export type. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
FollowReportLayout static Specifies if CSV export should follow the report layout. Inherited from CsvExportOptions.
QuoteStringsWithSeparators Gets or sets a value indicating whether a string with separators should be placed in quotation marks when a document is exported to a Text-based file. Inherited from TextExportOptionsBase.
Separator Specifies the symbol that is used to separate the text elements in the created CSV file.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
SkipEmptyColumns Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
SkipEmptyRows Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
SuppressEmptyStrings Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
TextExportMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the formatting of the data fields in the bound dataset for the cells in the exported TXT, CSV, XLS or XLSX document. Inherited from TextExportOptionsBase.
UseCustomSeparator Specifies whether to use the default system or a custom separator character for CSV export. Inherited from CsvExportOptions.
WritePreamble Get or sets whether to include a sequence of bytes that specifies the encoding used in the resulting CSV file.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.


Name Description
Assign(ExportOptionsBase) Copies all settings from the options object passed as a parameter.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetActualSeparator() Returns the character(s) used as text separators for CSV export. Inherited from CsvExportOptions.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
BeforeExportRow Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
CustomizeCell Allows you to substitute a cell value in the output document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
ExportProgress Fires repeatedly while the data is being exported.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from CsvExportOptionsEx.
See Also