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PdfPageFacade Members

Exposes members used to perform various operations on a PDF page without access to its inner structure.


Name Description
Annotations Returns all page annotation properties.
PageNumber Returns the page number.
RotationAngle Retrieves the page’s rotation angle.


Name Description
AddCaretAnnotation(PdfRectangle) Creates a caret annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddCircleAnnotation(PdfRectangle) Creates a circle annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddFileAttachmentAnnotation(PdfPoint, PdfFileAttachment, String) Creates a file attachment annotation at the specified point on the page.
AddFileAttachmentAnnotation(PdfPoint, PdfFileAttachment) Creates a file attachment annotation at the specified point on the page.
AddFileAttachmentAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfFileAttachment, String) Creates a file attachment annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddFileAttachmentAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfFileAttachment) Adds a file attachment annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddFreeTextAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String) Creates a free text annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddInkAnnotation(IList<IList<PdfPoint>>) Creates an ink annotation comprised of one or multiple points on the page.
AddLineAnnotation(PdfPoint, PdfPoint) Creates a line annotation between the specified points.
AddLinkAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfDestination) Creates a link annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddLinkAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String) Creates a link annotation in the specified rectangle on the page.
AddPolygonAnnotation(PdfPoint[]) Creates a polygon annotation by the specified vertices.
AddPolyLineAnnotation(PdfPoint[]) Creates a polyline annotation by the specified vertices.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfPoint, String) Creates a rubber stamp annotation at the specified page point.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, Stream, Int32, Boolean) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, Stream, Int32) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String, Boolean) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String, Int32, Boolean) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle. Allows you use another document to generate a stamp.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String, Int32) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddRubberStampAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String) Creates a rubber stamp annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddSquareAnnotation(PdfRectangle) Creates a square annotation in the specified page rectangle.
AddTextAnnotation(PdfPoint, String) Adds a text annotation at the specified point on the page.
AddTextAnnotation(PdfPoint) Adds a text annotation at the specified point on the page.
AddTextAnnotation(PdfRectangle, String) Adds a text annotation to the specified area on the page.
AddTextAnnotation(PdfRectangle) Adds a text annotation to the specified area on the page.
AddTextMarkupAnnotation(PdfOrientedRectangle, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType) Creates a text markup annotation at the specified page area.
AddTextMarkupAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType) Creates a text markup annotation for the text located in the specified page rectangle.
AddTextMarkupAnnotation(IEnumerable<PdfOrientedRectangle>, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType) Creates a text markup annotation at the specified page area.
AddTextMarkupAnnotation(IEnumerable<PdfQuadrilateral>, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType) Creates a text markup annotation at the specified page area.
ClearContent(PdfClearContentRegions, PdfClearContentOptions) Clears the document content located in the specified regions. Allows you to set what content type to keep in these regions.
ClearContent(PdfClearContentRegions) Clears the document content located in the specified regions.
ClearContent(PdfOrientedRectangle, PdfClearContentOptions) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify what content type to keep.
ClearContent(PdfOrientedRectangle, Boolean, PdfClearContentOptions) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to set whether to use the page coordinate system, and what content type to keep.
ClearContent(PdfOrientedRectangle, Boolean) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify whether to use the page coordinate system.
ClearContent(PdfOrientedRectangle) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle.
ClearContent(PdfRectangle, PdfClearContentOptions) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify what content type to keep.
ClearContent(PdfRectangle, Boolean, PdfClearContentOptions) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify whether to use the page coordinate system, and what content type to keep.
ClearContent(PdfRectangle, Boolean) Clears the document content located in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify whether to use the page coordinate system.
ClearContent(PdfRectangle) Clears the document content in the specified rectangle.
CreateFitBBoxDestination() Creates a FitB destination.
CreateFitBBoxHorizontallyDestination() Creates a FitBH destination. The coordinate of the document window’s top left corner is retained from the previous view.
CreateFitBBoxHorizontallyDestination(Single) Creates a FitBH destination.
CreateFitBBoxVerticallyDestination() Creates a FitBV destination. The coordinate positioned window’s top left corner is retained from the previous view.
CreateFitBBoxVerticallyDestination(Single) Creates a FitBV destination.
CreateFitDestination() Creates a Fit destination.
CreateFitHorizontallyDestination() Creates a FitH destination. The coordinate of the document window’s top left corner is retained from the previous view.
CreateFitHorizontallyDestination(Single) Creates a FitH destination.
CreateFitRectangleDestination(PdfRectangle) Creates a FitR destination.
CreateFitVerticallyDestination() Creates a FitV destination. The coordinate of the document window’s top left corner is retained from the previous view.
CreateFitVerticallyDestination(Single) Creates a FitV destination.
CreateXYZDestination() Creates an XYZ destination. The coordinate of the document window’s top left corner and the zoom factor is retained from the previous view.
CreateXYZDestination(Single, Single, Single) Creates an XYZ destination.
CreateXYZDestination(Single, Single) Creates an XYZ destination. The zoom factor is retained from the previous view.
CreateXYZDestination(Single) Creates an XYZ destination. The page coordinate of the document window’s top left corner is retained from the previous view.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FlattenAnnotations() Flattens all page annotations.
FlattenAnnotations(PdfAnnotationType[]) Flattens all page annotations with the specified types.
FlattenAnnotations(Func<PdfAnnotationFacade, Boolean>) Flattens all page annotations that meet the specified criteria.
FlattenAnnotations(String[]) Flattens page annotations with the specified names.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also