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PdfChoiceFormFieldFacade<T> Properties

Contains properties that apply to list box an combo box form fields.
Name Description
AcroForm Retrieves the AcroForm that contains the form field. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
CommitOnSelectionChange Gets or sets whether to commit a new value once the selection is made.
Export Gets or sets whether to export the form field if it is associated with a Submit A Form action. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
Field Retrieves field’s inner properties. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade<TWidget, TField>.
Flags Gets or sets the form field flags. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
FullName Gets the form field’s full name. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
Items Gets form field items.
ReadOnly Gets or sets whether the form field is read-only. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
Required Gets or sets whether to force users to complete the form field. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
Sorted Gets or sets whether to sort form field items alphabetically.
TextJustification Gets or sets how the text is aligned in the form field.
Type Gets the form field type. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade.
Widgets Retrieves properties of each annotation widget related to the form field. Inherited from PdfFormFieldFacade<TWidget, TField>.
See Also