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DevExpress Scheduler & Calendar for .NET MAUI

  • 2 minutes to read

The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite ships with controls that allow your users to select dates in a calendar and manage appointments.


The DevExpress Scheduler for .NET MAUI displays appointments and allows users to manage them. The control has a consistent look and feel on both platforms: iOS and Android.

[DevExpress Scheduler for .NET MAUI - Month View](xref:DevExpress.Maui.Scheduler.MonthView)

View Example: Get Started with Scheduler for .NET MAUI

Download and install the DevExpress.Maui.Scheduler package from the DevExpress NuGet Gallery to obtain the MonthView, WeekView, WorkWeekView, DayView, and AgendaView components. See the following help topic for more information: Get Started with DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI.

Scheduler Views

The control can display appointments for different time periods: month, week (or work week), day, and day by day (agenda). The image below illustrates week, day, and agenda views.

[DevExpress Scheduler for .NET MAUI - Day and Week Views](xref:DevExpress.Maui.Scheduler.MonthView)


The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite contains the DXCalendar component that allows your users to select a date. You also highlight holidays, observances, and other specific days in the year.

[DevExpress Calendar for .NET MAUI](xref:DevExpress.Maui.Editors.DXCalendar)

View Example: Get Started with DevExpress Calendar for .NET MAUI

Download and install the DevExpress.Maui.Editors package from the DevExpress NuGet Gallery to obtain the DXCalendar component. See the following help topic for more information: Get Started with DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI.

See Also