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CustomExportFieldValueEventArgsBase<T> Properties

Serves as a base for classes that provide data for the CustomExportFieldValue event.
Name Description
ApplyAppearanceToBrickStyle Specifies whether to apply the appearance settings to a brick. Inherited from CustomPrintEventArgs.
Brick Provides access to the brick that represents the contents and appearance of a cell, when it is printed or exported. Inherited from CustomPrintEventArgs.
CustomTotal Gets a custom total to which the processed field value corresponds.
DataField Gets the data field that specifies the processed value.
EndLevel Gets the maximum row level (for row fields) or column level (for column fields) that corresponds to the field value currently being processed.
Field Gets a field whose value is being processed.
IsCollapsed Gets whether the processed field value is collapsed.
IsColumn Gets whether the processed value corresponds to a column field.
IsOthersValue Gets whether the processed value corresponds to the “Others” row/column.
IsTopMost Gets whether the processed field value resides within the top most row or column.
MaxIndex Gets the maximum row index (for row fields) or column index (for column fields) that corresponds to the field value currently being processed.
MinIndex Gets the minimum row index (for row fields) or column index (for column fields) that corresponds to the field value currently being processed.
Rect Defines the size and location of the printed or exported cell. Inherited from CustomPrintEventArgs.
StartLevel Gets the minimum row level (for row fields) or column level (for column fields) that corresponds to the field value currently being processed.
Text Gets the processed field value display text.
Value Gets the processed field value.
ValueType Gets the type of the currently processed field value.
See Also