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TokenBoxExtension Methods

Represents an extension object implementing the TokenBox functionality.
Name Description
Bind(Object, String) Binds an editor to a data source’s field. Inherited from EditorExtension.
Bind(Object) Binds the TokenBox to a data source.
BindList(Object) Binds the TokenBox editor to a list of items.
BindToEF(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>, EventHandler<ServerModeExceptionThrownEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a data source using the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a data source using the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(String, String) Binds the token box to a data source using the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(Type, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a data source using the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToEF(Type, String) Binds the token box to a data source using the Entity Framework in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>, EventHandler<ServerModeExceptionThrownEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(String, String) Binds the token box to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(Type, String, EventHandler<LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs>) Binds the token box to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToLINQ(Type, String) Binds the token box to a queryable source in database server mode.
BindToXML(String, String, String) Binds the TokenBox extension to the XML file specified by its name, XPath expression and transformation file name.
BindToXML(String, String) Binds the TokenBox extension to the XML file specified by its name and XPath expression.
BindToXML(String) Binds the TokenBox extension to the XML file specified by its name.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetHtml() Inserts the HTML code rendered by an extension into the required page output. Inherited from ExtensionBase.
GetSelectedValues<T>(String) static Returns an array of the values of the TokenBox’s selected items.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetValue<T>(String, MaskSettings) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on the passed mask settings. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings, MaskSettings) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on the passed validation and mask settings. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings, EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>, MaskSettings, ref Boolean) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on the passed validation and mask settings, and custom validation logic, and indicates whether the editor value is valid. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings, EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>, MaskSettings) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on the passed validation and mask settings and custom validation logic. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings, EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>, ref Boolean) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on both the passed validation settings and custom validation logic, and indicates whether the editor value is valid. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings, EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on both the passed validation settings and custom validation logic. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String, ValidationSettings) static Returns a specific editor’s value, which is validated based on the passed validation settings. Inherited from EditorExtension.
GetValue<T>(String) static Returns a specific editor’s value. Inherited from EditorExtension.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Render() Renders the extension’s HTML code to the Response. Inherited from ExtensionBase.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also