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ASPxClientParseDateEventArgs.value Property

Gets the value entered into the date editor by an end user.


value: string

Property Value

Type Description

The string value entered into the date editor by an end user.


Use the value property to obtain the value entered by an end user. This string value can then be converted to an appropriate date/time value and assigned to the property. The ASPxClientParseDateEventArgs.handled property must be set to true to prevent the default conversion operation.


This example demonstrates how the ParseDate event can be handled to resolve user input strings entered into the ASPxDateEdit.

After you type a predefined date constant (such as "today") or a simple expression (such as "today + 2") and press ENTER, the relevant date is automatically calculated and set to the editor.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

        function SmartParseDate(value){
            var dayDeltas = {
                "TODAY": 0, 
                "TOMMOROW": 1,
                "YESTERDAY": -1,
                "NOW": 0
            var ret = null;

                var text = value.replace(/ /g,"");
                text = text.toUpperCase();

                for(var day in dayDeltas){
                    if(text.substr(0,day.length) == day){
                        text = text.substr(day.length);

                        var dayCount = parseInt(text);
                            dayCount = 0;

                        var dateResult = new Date();
                        if(day != "NOW")
                        dateResult.setDate(dateResult.getDate() + dayCount + dayDeltas[day])
                            ret = dateResult;
            return ret;

        function OnParseDate(editor, args){
            var date = SmartParseDate(args.value);
            if (date != null) {
       = date;
                args.handled = true;


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <dxe:ASPxLabel ID="ASPxLabel1" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="ASPxDateEdit1"
            Text="Type a specific predefined word or expression (such as 'today + 1') within the date editor and press ENTER.">
        </dxe:ASPxLabel><dxe:aspxdateedit id="ASPxDateEdit1" runat="server" EditFormat="DateTime">
            <ClientSideEvents ParseDate="function (s, e){
                OnParseDate(s, e);
            } ">
See Also