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ITypesInfo.UnregisterDomainLogic(Type, Type) Method

Specifies that a certain class should not be used as the Domain Logic of a specific Domain Component interface.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v19.1.dll


void UnregisterDomainLogic(
    Type interfaceType,
    Type logicType


Name Type Description
interfaceType Type

A Type object representing a type of an interface for which the Domain Logic should be unregistered.

logicType Type

A Type object representing a type of a class providing the Domain Logic to be unregistered.


You can use this method to unregister the Domain Logic, when you do not want to (or cannot) modify sources of the Domain Logic class. For instance, this can be useful when you register a new Domain Logic via the ITypesInfo.RegisterDomainLogic method.

See Also