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BlazorActionContainerViewItem Properties

The Action Container View Item used in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
Name Description
Actions Provides access to a collection of Actions which are displayed by the ASP.NET Core Blazor Action Container View Item.
Caption Returns the Action Container View Item‘s caption. Inherited from ActionContainerViewItem.
ContainerId Specifies the ASP.NET Core Blazor Action Container View Item’s Action Container identifier.
Control Returns the current View Item’s control displayed in a UI. Inherited from ViewItem.
CurrentObject Specifies the object for which the current View Item’s View is created. Inherited from ViewItem.
Id Gets the identifier of the current View Item. Inherited from ViewItem.
IsCaptionVisible Indicates whether the caption of the current View Item should be visible. Inherited from ViewItem.
IsDisposed Inherited from ViewItem.
Model Provides access to the Application Model‘s Item node that defines the current Action Container View Item. Inherited from ActionContainerViewItem.
ObjectType Specifies the type of object for which the current View Item’s View is created. Inherited from ViewItem.
ObjectTypeInfo Provides access to the information on the type of the object which is represented by the current View Item’s View. Inherited from ViewItem.
View Specifies the Detail View that contains the current View Item. Inherited from ViewItem.
See Also