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Specify Print Settings

  • 2 minutes to read

This document describes report printing options.

Call the ReportPrintTool.ShowPageSetup method to invoke the Page Setup dialog.


The following table lists the XtraReport class’s properties are related to printing:


You can specify the corresponding PrinterSettingsUsing class options the report’s XtraReport.DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing property returns to make these properties use the system’s default printer settings.

Property Description
XtraReport.Landscape Specifies whether the page orientation is landscape or portrait.
XtraReport.Margins Specifies the report page margins (measured in report units).
XtraReport.PageHeight Specifies the report page height (measured in report units). This can only be set if the PaperKind is set to Custom.
XtraReport.PageWidth Specifies the report page width (measured in report units). This can only be set if the PaperKind is set to Custom.
XtraReport.PaperKind Specifies the type of paper for the report. If set to Custom, the printer paper is selected according to the PaperName property’s value, and its size is set to the PageHeight and PageWidth property values.
XtraReport.PaperName Specifies the name of the custom paper the selected printer uses. This can only be set if the PaperKind is set to Custom.
XtraReport.PrinterName Specifies the name of the printer to be used to print the report.
XtraReport.ShowPrintMarginsWarning Specifies whether an error message is shown when the page margins are set outside the printable area.