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Customize the ASP.NET Document Viewer's Toolbar

  • 2 minutes to read

This example demonstrates how you can customize the toolbar of the Document Viewer control in an ASP.NET MVC application. It particular, it shows how you can add a custom button to the toolbar.

For general information on DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extensions, see How It Works and Extension Sheet.

To customize the Document Viewer Toolbar, do the following.

  1. In Visual Studio, switch to the Solution Explorer (by pressing CTRL+ALT+L) and expand the Views | Home directory. Then, double-click the DocumentViewerPartial.cshtml file to edit its code.
  2. In this file, locate the code that specifies the DocumentViewerSettings settings and add a new ReportToolbarItem with the required settings to the DocumentViewerSettings.ToolbarItems collection.

    @Html.DevExpress().DocumentViewer(settings => {
        // The following settings are required for a Document Viewer. 
        settings.Name = "documentViewer1";
        settings.Report = (DXWebApplication1.Reports.XtraReport1)ViewData["Report"];   
        // Callback and export route values specify corresponding controllers and their actions. 
        // These settings are required as well. 
        settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller="Home", Action="DocumentViewerPartial" };
        settings.ExportRouteValues = new { Controller="Home", Action="ExportDocumentViewer" };
        // Add a new button to the Document Viewer Toolbar.   
        settings.ToolbarItems.Add(new ReportToolbarButton {
            ItemKind = ReportToolbarItemKind.Custom,
            Text = "Custom Button",
            Name = "CustomButton"
        // Handle the ToolbarItemClick event on the client side.
        settings.ClientSideEvents.ToolbarItemClick = 
            "function(s, e) { if( =='CustomButton' ) alert ('Custom Button'); }";   
  3. Run the application to view the result.


See Also