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Ase Data Types Mapping

XPO creates these column types when updating the Ase database schema and expects them in existing databases.

.NET Type Database Column Type
Boolean bit
Byte tinyint
SByte numeric(3,0)
Char unichar(1)
Decimal money
Double double precision
Single real
Int16 smallint
UInt16 unsigned smallint
Int32 integer
UInt32 unsigned integer
Int64 bigint
UInt64 unsigned bigint
Guid char(36)
String univarchar(N)
DateTime datetime
TimeSpan double precision
Byte[] image
Unlimited size string unitext

Mapping Properties To Database Column Types Not Supported By Default

If a column type is not listed in the above table but can be converted to any of the listed type by the database, it can be read and modified by XPO. To create a column of a specific type in the database when updating the schema, decorate the property with DbTypeAttribute. If a column type cannot be converted to a supported type, it is possible to support such columns by creating a custom connection provider. Here are some examples:

See Also