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TreeListOptionsSelection Properties

Provides selection options for Tree List controls.
Name Description
EnableAppearanceFocusedCell Gets or sets whether the appearance settings for the focused cell are enabled.
EnableAppearanceFocusedRow Gets or sets whether the appearance settings for the focused node are enabled.
EnableAppearanceHotTrackedRow Gets or sets whether the appearance settings for the hovered (hot-tracked) node are enabled. Default is equivalent to False.
InvertSelection Gets or sets whether the focused style is applied to the focused cell only or to all the cells except for the focused one.
KeepSelectedOnClick Gets or sets whether row selection persists when a user clicks on a selected row’s cell.
MultiSelect Gets or sets whether multiple nodes can be selected.
MultiSelectMode Gets or sets whether multiple selection is made by node or by cell.
SelectNodesOnRightClick Gets or sets whether nodes are focused when right-clicked.
UseIndicatorForSelection Gets or sets whether nodes can be selected via the node indicator when the Tree List is in multiple selection mode.
See Also