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PdfViewer Events

Represents the PDF Viewer, which displays PDF files in WinForms applications.
Name Description
AnnotationDeleting Fires before an annotation is deleted from a page.
AutoSizeChanged Occurs when the AutoSize property changes. Inherited from UserControl.
AutoValidateChanged Occurs when the AutoValidate property changes. Inherited from UserControl.
BackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the BackColor property changes. Inherited from Control.
BackgroundImageChanged Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes. Inherited from Control.
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged Occurs when the BackgroundImageLayout property changes. Inherited from Control.
BindingContextChanged Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. Inherited from Control.
CausesValidationChanged Occurs when the value of the CausesValidation property changes. Inherited from Control.
ChangeUICues Occurs when the focus or keyboard user interface (UI) cues change. Inherited from Control.
Click Occurs when the control is clicked. Inherited from Control.
ClientSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ClientSize property changes. Inherited from Control.
ContextMenuChanged Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes. Inherited from Control.
ContextMenuStripChanged Occurs when the value of the ContextMenuStrip property changes. Inherited from Control.
ControlAdded Occurs when a new control is added to the Control.ControlCollection. Inherited from Control.
ControlRemoved Occurs when a control is removed from the Control.ControlCollection. Inherited from Control.
CurrentPageChanged Occurs after the currently displayed page has been changed.
CursorChanged Occurs when the value of the Cursor property changes. Inherited from Control.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
DockChanged Occurs when the value of the Dock property changes. Inherited from Control.
DocumentChanged Occurs when a PdfViewer control loads another PDF document.
DocumentClosing Occurs when closing a PDF document.
DoubleClick Occurs when the control is double-clicked. Inherited from Control.
DpiChangedAfterParent Occurs when the DPI setting for a control is changed programmatically after the DPI of its parent control or form has changed. Inherited from Control.
DpiChangedBeforeParent Occurs when the DPI setting for a control is changed programmatically before a DPI change event for its parent control or form has occurred. Inherited from Control.
DragDrop Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. Inherited from Control.
DragEnter Occurs when an object is dragged into the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control.
DragLeave Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control.
DragOver Occurs when an object is dragged over the control’s bounds. Inherited from Control.
EnabledChanged Occurs when the Enabled property value has changed. Inherited from Control.
Enter Occurs when the control is entered. Inherited from Control.
FileAttachmentOpening Occurs when an attachment is opening in the Attachments panel and allows you to manage the attachment opening behavior. For example, the attachment contents are not opened if e.Cancel is set to true. If you want to hide the Security Warning message box, set the PdfFileAttachmentOpeningEventArgs.Handled property to true.
FindDialogVisibilityChanged Occurs when the visibility state of the Find dialog window has changed.
FontChanged Occurs when the Font property value changes. Inherited from Control.
ForeColorChanged Occurs when the ForeColor property value changes. Inherited from Control.
FormFieldGotFocus Occurs when a form field receives input focus.
FormFieldLostFocus Occurs when a form field loses input focus.
FormFieldValueChanged Occurs after a form field value in the PDF document has been changed.
FormFieldValueChanging Occurs when an end-user starts to edit a form field value.
GiveFeedback Occurs during a drag operation. Inherited from Control.
GotFocus Occurs when the control receives focus. Inherited from Control.
HandleCreated Occurs when a handle is created for the control. Inherited from Control.
HandleDestroyed Occurs when the control’s handle is in the process of being destroyed. Inherited from Control.
HelpRequested Occurs when the user requests help for a control. Inherited from Control.
ImeModeChanged Occurs when the ImeMode property has changed. Inherited from Control.
Invalidated Occurs when a control’s display requires redrawing. Inherited from Control.
KeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus. Inherited from Control.
KeyPress Occurs when a character. space or backspace key is pressed while the control has focus. Inherited from Control.
KeyUp Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus. Inherited from Control.
Layout Occurs when a control should reposition its child controls. Inherited from Control.
Leave Occurs when the input focus leaves the control. Inherited from Control.
Load Occurs before the control becomes visible for the first time. Inherited from UserControl.
LocationChanged Occurs when the Location property value has changed. Inherited from Control.
LostFocus Occurs when the control loses focus. Inherited from Control.
MarginChanged Occurs when the control’s margin changes. Inherited from Control.
MarkupAnnotationGotFocus Occurs when a markup annotation receives input focus.
MarkupAnnotationLostFocus Occurs when a markup annotation loses input focus.
MouseCaptureChanged Occurs when the control loses mouse capture. Inherited from Control.
MouseClick Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. Inherited from Control.
MouseDoubleClick Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. Inherited from Control.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. Inherited from Control.
MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. Inherited from Control.
MouseHover Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. Inherited from Control.
MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. Inherited from Control.
MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. Inherited from Control.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. Inherited from Control.
MouseWheel Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. Inherited from Control.
Move Occurs when the control is moved. Inherited from Control.
NavigationPaneSelectedPageChanged Fires in response to changing the thumbnails, attachments, or bookmarks page on the navigation pane.
NavigationPaneVisibilityChanged Occurs after the visibility of a navigation pane has been changed.
PaddingChanged Occurs when the control’s padding changes. Inherited from Control.
PageSetupDialogShowing Occurs when displaying the Print dialog in the PDF Viewer.
Paint Occurs when the control is redrawn. Inherited from Control.
ParentChanged Occurs when the Parent property value changes. Inherited from Control.
PasswordRequested Occurs when requesting a security password to open a protected PDF file.
PopupMenuShowing Occurs after the popup menu of a PDF Viewer has been invoked.
PreviewKeyDown Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. Inherited from Control.
PrintPage Occurs when the document page is printed.
QueryAccessibilityHelp Occurs when AccessibleObject is providing help to accessibility applications. Inherited from Control.
QueryContinueDrag Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. Inherited from Control.
QueryPageSettings Occurs immediately before the PdfViewer.PrintPage event.
ReferencedDocumentOpening Occurs when opening an embedded or external document by clicking its corresponding link in a PDF document.
RegionChanged Occurs when the value of the Region property changes. Inherited from Control.
Resize Occurs when the control is resized. Inherited from Control.
RightToLeftChanged Occurs when the RightToLeft property value changes. Inherited from Control.
Scroll Occurs when the user or code scrolls through the client area. Inherited from ScrollableControl.
ScrollPositionChanged Occurs after changing the current scroll bar position in a PdfViewer.
SelectionContinued Occurs after the selection of the PDF content has been continued.
SelectionEnded Occurs after the selection of the PDF content has finished.
SelectionStarted Occurs after the selection of the PDF content has started.
SizeChanged Occurs when the Size property value changes. Inherited from Control.
StyleChanged Occurs when the control style changes. Inherited from Control.
SystemColorsChanged Occurs when the system colors change. Inherited from Control.
TabIndexChanged Occurs when the TabIndex property value changes. Inherited from Control.
TabStopChanged Occurs when the TabStop property value changes. Inherited from Control.
TextChanged Raises the TextChanged event. Inherited from UserControl.
TextMarkupAnnotationChanged Fires immediately after an end-user closes the Annotation Properties dialog if a text markup annotation has been changed.
TextMarkupAnnotationCreated Occurs after a text markup annotation (highlight, strikethrough or underline) is created.
TextMarkupAnnotationCreating Occurs when a text markup annotation (highlight, strikethrough or underline) is being created.
UpdateUI Raised when changes occur which may affect the control’s UI.
UriOpening Occurs after clicking a hyperlink addressing an external URI (universal resource identifier).
Validated Occurs when the control is finished validating. Inherited from Control.
Validating Occurs when the control is validating. Inherited from Control.
VisibleChanged Occurs when the Visible property value changes. Inherited from Control.
ZoomChanged Occurs after the current zoom factor has been changed.
See Also