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WinExplorerViewOptionsBehavior Properties

Provides members that manage WinExplorerView behavior options.
Name Description
AllowAddRows An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.AllowAddRows property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
AllowDeleteRows An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.AllowDeleteRows property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
AutoPopulateColumns Gets or sets whether columns should be created automatically for all fields in the underlying data source when the View doesn’t contain any columns. When bound to a business object, the grid does not generate columns for properties of collection types. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
AutoScrollItemOnMouseClick Gets or sets whether or not the WinExplorer View should scroll up or down when an end-user clicks a view item.
AutoSelectAllInEditor An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.AutoSelectAllInEditor property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
CacheValuesOnRowUpdating An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.CacheValuesOnRowUpdating property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
Editable Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to edit data (using in-place cell editors and Edit Forms). Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
EditorShowMode An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
EnableDetailToolTip Obsolete. This property is now obsolete and no longer in use
EnableSmoothScrolling Gets or sets whether smooth scrolling is enabled.
FocusLeaveOnTab An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.FocusLeaveOnTab property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
ImmediateUpdateRowPosition An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.ImmediateUpdateRowPosition property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
KeepFocusedRowOnUpdate An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.KeepFocusedRowOnUpdate property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
ReadOnly An overload for the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.ReadOnly property, not supported in WinExplorer View.
ShowAllTableValuesInFilterPopup Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the filter dropdowns should contain unique values from all the records in the View’s data source or only from those records that meet the current filter criteria. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
ShowEditorOnMouseUp Obsolete. Gets or sets whether a cell’s editor is activated when the mouse button is released from a click within the cell. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
UnboundColumnExpressionEditorMode Gets or sets the type of unbound expression editor that end-users can utilize to modify expressions for unbound columns owned by this View. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
UseNewCustomFilterDialog Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the advanced custom filter dialog is used instead of the standard one. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.
UseOptimizedScrolling Gets or sets whether optimized scrolling mechanics should be used within this WinExplorer View.
See Also