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RepositoryItemRatingControl Properties

Provides access to advanced RatingControl settings.
Name Description
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription Gets or sets the default action description of the repository item for use by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the description of the repository item used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AccessibleName Gets or sets the repository item’s name which is used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the repository item’s accessible role. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AllowFocused Gets or sets a value specifying whether the focus rectangle is displayed within the editor when it has focus. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AllowFocusedAppearance Gets a value which indicates whether the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s focused can be used. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AllowHtmlDraw Gets or sets whether this RatingControl‘s text can be formatted using HTML tags.
AllowInplaceAutoFilter This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AllowInplaceBorderPainter This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AllowMouseWheel Gets or sets whether value scrolling via the Mouse Wheel is supported by the editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Appearance Gets the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s enabled. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AppearanceDisabled Gets the appearance settings used to paint the editor when it’s disabled. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AppearanceFocused Gets the appearance settings used to paint the current editor when it’s focused. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AppearanceReadOnly Gets the appearance settings used to paint the read-only editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
AutoHeight Gets or sets whether the RatingControl height should be calculated automatically.
AutoSize Gets or sets whether this RatingControl should be automatically sized.
BestFitWidth Gets or sets the editor’s best fit width. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
BorderStyle Gets or sets the this RatingControl‘s border style.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CheckedGlyph Gets or sets an image, displayed by a RatingControl item when this item is checked (selected).
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
ContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu for the editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
ContextMenuStrip Gets or sets the shortcut menu for the editor. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
DefaultAlignment Gets the default horizontal alignment of the editor’s content. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
DefaultBorderStyleInBars This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
DefaultBorderStyleInGrid This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DisplayFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to the editor’s display text. These settings are in effect when the editor does not have input focus. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Editable Gets whether the editor’s value can be changed. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
EditFormat Provides access to the settings used to format the edit value when the editor has input focus. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
EditorTypeName Returns the textual representation of the type of the editor that owns this RepositoryItemRatingControl object.
EditValueChangedDelay Gets or sets the time interval between the moment when an end-user stops changing the editor’s value and the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event being raised. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
EditValueChangedFiringDelay static Gets or sets the default time interval between the moment when an end-user stops changing the editor’s value and the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event being raised. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
EditValueChangedFiringMode Gets or sets the RepositoryItem.EditValueChanged event’s firing mode. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the edit control can respond to user actions. This property is supported for standalone editors. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
ExportMode Specifies whether the editor’s value or display text is exported when data is exported to XLS and CSV formats. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
FillPrecision Gets or sets whether partly checked glyphs are enabled.
FirstItemValue Gets or sets the value assigned to the first RatingControl item.
Glyph Gets or sets the regular rating glyph.
HoverGlyph Gets or sets the image displayed by hovered items within this RatingControl.
HtmlImages Gets or sets a collection of images that can be embedded in the editor’s display text or the display text of the editor’s items, using the image tag. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsDesignMode Indicates whether the editor is currently in design mode. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsDirectionReversed Gets or sets whether this RatingControl measures its rating in the opposite direction.
IsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsEditValueChangedEventPending Gets whether the EditValueChanged event is postponed. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsFilterLookUp This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsLoading Indicates whether the editor is being loaded. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsLockUpdate Gets a value indicating whether the editor is immediately updated in response to changing its settings. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
IsNonSortableEditor This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
ItemCount Gets or sets the number of rating items within this RatingControl.
ItemIndent Gets or sets the distance between neighboring rating items.
LinkCount Gets the number of objects connected to the current repository item. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
LookAndFeel Provides access to the stand-alone editor’s look and feel settings. These settings are not in effect for the editor in a bar, ribbon, grid, etc. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Name Gets or sets the repository item name. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
NormalizeDisplayText static Set the NormalizeDisplayText property to true to correctly process diacritics when selecting rows from a dropdown window in the LookUpEdit control. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
NullText Gets or sets the text that presents the editor’s null value (null, System.DBNull.Value and RepositoryItemDateEdit.NullDate - for DateEdit). Inherited from RepositoryItem.
OwnerEdit Gets the editor that owns the repository item. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
OwnerItem This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Padding Gets or sets this RatingControl‘s padding.
PopupOffset Gets or sets the popup window’s location. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Properties Obsolete. This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
RatingAlignment Obsolete. Gets or sets the rating items’ alignment within the RatingControl.
RatingLocation Gets or sets the rating item positioning within this RatingControl.
RatingOrientation Gets or sets the rating items’ orientation within the RatingControl.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value specifying whether the editor’s value can be changed by end-users. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
RequireDisplayTextSorting This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
ShowText Gets or sets whether the text assigned to the RatingControl.Text property should be visible.
ShowToolTips Gets or sets whether a tooltip should be displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control.
Site Gets or sets a ISite for the object. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with the repository item. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
TextLocation Gets or sets the RepositoryItemRatingControl‘s text position relative to the rating items.
TextToRatingIndent Gets or sets the distance between the RatingControl‘s rating items and this control’s text.
UseParentBackground This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
UseTextEditorForAutoFilter Gets whether to substitute this editor with the single-line text editor in auto-filter rows. Inherited from RepositoryItem.
ValueInterval Gets or sets the difference in two neighboring rating items’ values.
See Also