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DataNavigatorButtons Properties

Holds settings for buttons displayed in a DataNavigator control.
Name Description
Appearance Gets the appearance settings used to paint the buttons’ owner. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
Append Gets the button used to insert a new record.
AutoRepeatDelay Gets or sets the time interval which passes between the moment when an end-user holds down the navigation button and the data records are scrolled repeatedly. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
ButtonCollection Provides access to the collection of built-in buttons displayed in the DataNavigator control. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
CancelEdit Gets the button used to cancel edits to the current record.
CurrencyManager Gets the object which manages a list of binding objects.
CustomButtons Gets the collection of custom buttons. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
DefaultImageList Gets the source of the images that are displayed within the navigation buttons by default. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
EnabledAutoRepeat Specifies whether data records are scrolled repeatedly when the Next, NextPage, Prev or PrevPage button is held down. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
EndEdit Gets the button used to post edited record values to the associated data source.
First Gets the button used to set the current record to the first record in a data source.
ImageList Gets or sets the source of images to be displayed within the navigation buttons. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
Last Gets the button used to set the current record to the last record in a data source.
Next Gets the button used to set focus to the next record in a data source.
NextPage Gets the button used to change current record position in a data source by the DataNavigatorButtons.PageRecordCount property value.
Owner Gets the object that owns this button collection. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
OwnerControl Gets the control which owns the current collection. Inherited from NavigatorButtonsBase.
PageRecordCount Gets or sets the number of records to which the current record changes after the PrevPage or NextPage button has been pressed.
Prev Gets the button used to set focus to the previous record in a data source.
PrevPage Gets the button used to change current record position in a data source by the DataNavigatorButtons.PageRecordCount property value.
Remove Gets the button used to delete the current record.
See Also