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DockManagerAppearances Properties

Contains appearance settings for dock panels.
Name Description
ActiveTab Gets the appearance settings used to paint the active tab within a tab container.
Controller Gets the BarAndDockingController which the current collection belongs to.
FloatFormCaption Gets the appearance settings used to paint the float forms’ captions.
FloatFormCaptionActive Gets the appearance settings used to paint the caption of an active float form.
HideContainer Gets the appearance settings used to paint the auto hide containers.
HidePanelButton Gets the appearance settings used to paint the panel’s button in the auto hide container.
HidePanelButtonActive Gets the appearance settings used to paint a panel’s button in the auto hide container when it’s hot-tracked or the panel it corresponds to is displayed.
Panel Gets the appearance settings used to paint dock panels.
PanelCaption Gets the appearance settings used to paint dock panels’ captions.
PanelCaptionActive Gets the appearance settings used to paint the active panel’s caption.
Tabs Gets the appearance settings used to paint a tab panel and its inactive tabs.
See Also