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DXPopupMenu Events

A base class for popup menus in DevExpress .NET controls.
Name Description
BeforePopup Allows you to dynamically provide sub-items for the current DXSubMenuItem object. Inherited from DXSubMenuItem.
Click Occurs when the menu item’s functionality needs to be invoked. Inherited from DXMenuItem.
CloseUp Fires after the menu has been closed.
CommandCanExecuteChanged Occurs when the CanExecute(Object) status of the Command has changed. Inherited from DXMenuItem.
CommandChanged Occurs after the value of the Command property has changed. Inherited from DXMenuItem.
CommandParameterChanged Occurs after the value of the CommandParameter property has changed. Inherited from DXMenuItem.
ItemClick Fires whenever a user clicks any item that belongs to this DXPopupMenu.
PopupHide This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
See Also