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MailMerge field

{ MERGEFIELD “field name“ [ switch ] [* MERGEFORMAT] }

When the main document is merged with the selected data source, information from the specified data field is inserted in place of the merge field.

  • The * MERGEFORMAT switch retains the formatting applied to the field.
  • The \b “text switch specifies the text to be inserted before the MERGEFIELD field if the field is not blank.
  • The \f “text switch specifies the text to be inserted after the MERGEFIELD field if the field is not blank.


{ MERGEFIELD FirstName \f” “ }{ MERGEFIELD MiddleName \f” “ }{ MERGEFIELD LastName }

  • If the MiddleName field data is missing (null), then there is only one space between FirstName and LastName:

    David Bradley

  • Otherwise, MiddleName is separated by spaces as required:

    David M Bradley

If the merge field is replaced with a DateTime value and no formatting switch is specified, the actual display formatting is dependent on the FieldOptions.UseCurrentCultureDateTimeFormat option.

  • If this option is set to true, the system’s Date and Time settings will be used.
  • If the FieldOptions.UseCurrentCultureDateTimeFormat is false (the default value), DateTime values are displayed using the “M/d/yyyy” formatting.

The MERGEFIELD field is displayed as a placeholder when the ShowAllFieldResultsCommand command is executed, as shown on the image below:


Set the RichEditMailMergeOptions.ViewMergedData to true or execute the ToggleViewMergedDataCommand command to view the MERGEFIELD code result:


See Also