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Data Binding Overview

Depending on a way editors bind to data, they form up three groups.

  • Single-Value Editors

    TextEdit, ButtonEdit, CheckEdit, etc.

    These editors operate only one value that is stored in the BaseEdit.EditValue property. Binding such editors means binding this EditValue property to a required source.

  • Lookups and other Bindable Multi-Value Editors

    LookUpEdit, GridLookUpEdit, SearchLookUpEdit, TreeListLookUpEdit, BaseListBoxControl descendants.

    Editors in this group provide the DataSource property, which allows you to automatically populate these editors with records from the given data source.

  • Multi-Value Editors without the DataSource Property

    ComboBoxEdit, BreadCrumbEdit, TokenEdit, ColorEdit, etc.

    Multi-value editors that do not provide the DataSoruce property cannot be bound to data directly. Instead, you will need to manually process data source records and populate these editors with corresponding values.

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