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How to: Disable and remove items from the standard context menus

  • 2 minutes to read

The following sample code handles the TreeList.PopupMenuShowing event for the following two purposes.

  • Disables the summary footer context menu for the “Department” column.
  • Removes the “Runtime columns customization” item of the column header context menu.
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList;

private void treeList1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    TreeList treeList = sender as TreeList;
    TreeListHitInfo hitInfo = treeList.CalcHitInfo(e.Point);

    // prohibiting summary footer menu for the "Department" column
    if (hitInfo.HitInfoType == HitInfoType.SummaryFooter &&
      hitInfo.Column.Caption == "Department")
        e.Allow = false;

    // removing the "Runtime columns customization" item of the column header menu
    if (hitInfo.HitInfoType == HitInfoType.Column) {
        string caption = TreeListLocalizer.Active.GetLocalizedString(GetMenuColumnCustomizationStringId(treeList));
        e.Menu.Items.Remove(e.Menu.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Caption == caption));

private TreeListStringId GetMenuColumnCustomizationStringId(TreeList treeList) {
    if (treeList.OptionsView.ShowBandsMode == DefaultBoolean.True || (treeList.OptionsView.ShowBandsMode == DefaultBoolean.Default && treeList.Bands.Count > 0))
        return TreeListStringId.MenuColumnBandCustomization;
    return TreeListStringId.MenuColumnColumnCustomization;