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Disable and Remove Particular Items in the Standard Menus

  • 2 minutes to read

Disable and Remove Particular Items in the Standard Menus

When any of the standard context menus is invoked, the TreeList.PopupMenuShowing event fires. It allows the current menu to be accessed via the Menu parameter, and then modified. For instance, it’s easy to prevent the menu from being displayed, or disable and/or remove certain menu items.


The following sample code handles the TreeList.PopupMenuShowing event for the following two purposes.

  • Disables the summary footer context menu for the “Department” column.
  • Removes the “Runtime columns customization” item of the column header context menu.
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList;

private void treeList1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    TreeList treeList = sender as TreeList;
    TreeListHitInfo hitInfo = treeList.CalcHitInfo(e.Point);

    // prohibiting summary footer menu for the "Department" column
    if (hitInfo.HitInfoType == HitInfoType.SummaryFooter &&
      hitInfo.Column.Caption == "Department")
        e.Allow = false;

    // removing the "Runtime columns customization" item of the column header menu
    if (hitInfo.HitInfoType == HitInfoType.Column) {
        string caption = TreeListLocalizer.Active.GetLocalizedString(GetMenuColumnCustomizationStringId(treeList));
        e.Menu.Items.Remove(e.Menu.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Caption == caption));

private TreeListStringId GetMenuColumnCustomizationStringId(TreeList treeList) {
    if (treeList.OptionsView.ShowBandsMode == DefaultBoolean.True || (treeList.OptionsView.ShowBandsMode == DefaultBoolean.Default && treeList.Bands.Count > 0))
        return TreeListStringId.MenuColumnBandCustomization;
    return TreeListStringId.MenuColumnColumnCustomization;