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This section includes topic dedicated to main Gauge aspects and terms.

  • Gauge Types

    There are three main types of DevExpress gauges: analog, digital and state indicator gauges. Analog gauges are scale-based gauges and include circular and linear gauges based on their shape. Digital gauges display segmented digits and/or letters in the way LEDs do. State indicator gauges are simple indicators that have a fixed set of pre-defined states.

    Circular Gauges | Linear Gauges | Digital Gauges | State Indicator Gauges

  • Coordinate System

    This document provides information on how gauges are measured within a Gauge Control, what the gauge Z Order is, as well as detailing how to specify angles of gauge specific elements.

    Coordinate System

  • Visual Elements

    Each gauge is a set of elements rather than a monolith object. Elements can be either related to each other (e.g. a needle that relates to a scale) or completely independent. Some of them provide the gauge functionality, others specify its appearance. Each gauge type has its own set of available elements. Follow the links below to learn more about these elements.

    Analog Gauge Elements | Digital Gauge Elements | State Indicator Gauge Elements

  • Data Binding

    This document provides information on the data-binding mechanism in the Gauges Suite, and lists specific gauge elements that can be used in this process.

    Data Binding

  • Gauge Appearance

    Contains topics dedicated to animating gauges and modifying their appearance settings.

    Appearance Customization | Color Schemes | Custom Draw | Shaping Gauge Elements | Animation

  • Saving and Restoring Gauge Layout

    Describes how to save and restore gauge layout to (from) a local storage, registry or stream.

    Saving and Restoring Gauge Layout and Style Settings