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Week View

  • 2 minutes to read

The Week View displays appointments for any given weekly period. The view is implemented by the WeekView class, accessible by using the SchedulerControl.WeekView property. To show the view, set the SchedulerControl.ActiveViewType property to the SchedulerViewType.Week type.


Week view displays Saturday and Sunday in a single day cell, so if the first day of the week (the SchedulerOptionsViewBase.FirstDayOfWeek property) is set to Sunday, the view shows a week earlier with the first day of the week set to Monday.


The Week View is disabled by default, since this view is outdated and provided for compatibility with the earlier versions of the XtraScheduler. It is recommended to use the equivalent Full Week View, which provides a more flexible way to schedule and view appointments for the entire week. If you still wish to use the Week View, enable it by setting the SchedulerViewBase.Enabled property to true.

The following table lists the main properties of the WeekView class which implement its basic functionality.

Member Name Description
WeekView.Appearance Provides access to the properties that control the appearance of the WeekView’s elements.
SchedulerViewBase.AppointmentDisplayOptions Provides access to the WeekViewAppointmentDisplayOptions instance containing appointment’s display options for the WeekView.
SchedulerControl.SelectedInterval Gets the time interval currently selected in the scheduler’s active view by an end-user.
SchedulerViewBase.GetVisibleIntervals Returns a copy of the visible time interval collection for the current view.
SchedulerViewBase.SetVisibleIntervals Fills the visible time interval collection with new items.

The following table lists events which allow you to customize the View’s layout.

Event Name Description
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawWeekViewTopLeftCorner Fires when the SchedulerViewBase.GroupType is set to the SchedulerGroupType.Date. Allows you to manually paint square area at the left corner of the view.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawDayOfWeekHeader Fires when the SchedulerViewBase.GroupType is set to the SchedulerGroupType.Date. Allows you to manually paint Day of Week Headers.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawGroupSeparator Allows you to paint a Group Separator in a custom manner.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawNavigationButton Allows you to paint Navigation Buttons in a custom manner.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawResourceHeader Allows you to paint Resource Headers in a custom manner.
SchedulerControl.CustomDrawTimeCell Allows you to paint the Time Cells in a custom manner.

The following table lists services which allow you to customize the View’s layout.

Service Description
HeaderCaptionService Allows you to custom format the header captions.
HeaderToolTipService Allows you to specify custom tooltips for the day headers
See Also