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Rows and Columns

  • 7 minutes to read

Cells in a worksheet are organized into 1,048,576 rows (Worksheet.Rows) and 16,384 columns (Worksheet.Columns). Each row is numbered (1, 2, 3, …) and each column is lettered (A, B, C, …) if the A1 reference style is used, or numbered (1, 2, 3, …) if the R1C1 reference style is specified. Row and column headers are displayed at the left and at the top of a worksheet, respectively. You can hide or show these headers using the SpreadsheetViewOptions.ShowColumnHeaders, SpreadsheetViewOptions.ShowRowHeaders or WorksheetView.ShowHeadings property. To enable end-users to change the visibility of row and column headers, provide the Show Ribbon page group for the SpreadsheetControl. For an example on how to provide a Ribbon UI for the SpreadsheetControl, see the Getting Started topic.


By default, the SpreadsheetControl displays all columns and rows, but you can specify the number of columns and rows available for display and edit via the WorksheetDisplayArea.SetSize method. This method allows you to restrict the number of visible columns and rows for the specified worksheet. Refer to the How to: Restrict the Number of Visible Rows and Columns in a Worksheet example for details.

The SpreadsheetControl also allows you to customize the appearance of row and column headers. For example, you can specify the height of column headers and width of row headers using the SpreadsheetViewOptions.ColumnHeaderHeight and SpreadsheetViewOptions.RowHeaderWidth property, respectively. You can also perform custom painting of headers by handling the SpreadsheetControl.CustomDrawRowHeader, SpreadsheetControl.CustomDrawRowHeaderBackground, SpreadsheetControl.CustomDrawColumnHeader and SpreadsheetControl.CustomDrawColumnHeaderBackground events. Use the properties provided by the CustomDrawObjectEventsArgs base class to paint text, graphic primitives or images. The image below shows a document with custom row and column headers.


End-User Capabilities

To enable end-users to modify rows and columns in a worksheet, add a set of Ribbon pages to the SpreadsheetControl.

The table below lists the basic row and column operations available to end-users via Ribbon pages (or the spreadsheet context menu) and the corresponding API methods and properties.



End-user capabilities

API methods/properties

Insert a row

  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button and select the Insert Sheet Rows item.


  • Right-click a cell within the selected row(s) and click the Insert item in the context menu.





How to: Add a New Row or Column to a Worksheet

Insert a column

  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button and select the Insert Sheet Columns item from the drop-down list.


  • Right-click a cell within the selected column(s) and click the Insert item in the context menu.





How to: Add a New Row or Column to a Worksheet

Delete rows and columns

  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button and select the Delete Sheet Rows or Delete Sheet Columns item.


  • Right-click a cell within the selected column(s) or row(s), and then click the Delete item in the context menu.







How to: Delete a Row or Column from a Worksheet

Hide a column

  • Set the column width to zero by dragging the boundary of the column heading.
  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then select Hide & Unhide | Hide Columns.


  • Right-click the selected column and select the Hide item from the context menu.


  • Press CTRL+0.


How to: Show or Hide a Row or Column

Hide a row

  • Set the row height to zero by dragging the boundary of the row heading.
  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button and select Hide & Unhide | Hide Rows.


  • Right-click the selected row and select the Hide item from the context menu.


  • Press CTRL+9.


How to: Show or Hide a Row or Column

Unhide columns and rows

  • On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then select Hide & Unhide | Unhide Columns or Unhide Rows.
  • Select and right-click the columns or rows surrounding the hidden columns or rows, and choose the Unhide item from the context menu.


  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+9 to display hidden rows, or CTRL+SHIFT+0 to display hidden columns.



How to: Show or Hide a Row or Column

Freeze rows and columns

On the View tab, in the Window group, click the Freeze Panes button to display the drop-down list.


Select one of the following.

  • Freeze Panes - lock multiple columns and/or multiple rows simultaneously.
  • Freeze Top Row - lock the first row only.
  • Freeze First Column - lock the left column only.

A black border appears beneath the frozen row(s) and to the right of the frozen column(s).




How to: Freeze and Unfreeze Rows and Columns

Unfreeze rows and columns

On the View tab, in the Window group, click the Freeze Panes button and select the Unfreeze Panes item.



How to: Freeze and Unfreeze Rows and Columns

Set column width

  • Drag the right boundary of the column heading to resize the column width.
  • To change the width to automatically fit the content, click the Format button in the Cells group, and then click AutoFit Column Width.


  • To match one column width to another, click the Paste Special button in the Clipboard group within the Home tab.

    In the invoked Paste Special dialog, select theColumn widths item.












How to: Specify Row Height or Column Width

Set row height

  • Drag the lower boundary of the row heading to resize the row height.
  • To change the height to automatically fit the content, click the Format button in the Cells group, and then click AutoFit Row Height.







How to: Specify Row Height or Column Width

End-User Restrictions

The SpreadsheetControl allows you to prevent end-users from modifying rows and columns in a worksheet. For example, it may be necessary to restrict end-users from showing or deleting columns or rows that contain formulas. To implement end-user restrictions, use the SpreadsheetControlOptions.Behavior property, which provides access to the restriction settings. The table below lists possible restrictions you can set when working with columns and rows in the SpreadsheetControl.

Restriction Description
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.AutoFit Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to use the AutoFit feature for rows.
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.Delete Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to delete rows.
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.Hide Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to hide rows.
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.Insert Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to insert rows.
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.Resize Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to resize rows.
SpreadsheetRowBehaviorOptions.Unhide Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to unhide rows.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.AutoFit Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to use the AutoFit feature for columns.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.Delete Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to delete columns.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.Hide Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to hide columns.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.Insert Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to insert columns.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.Resize Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to resize columns.
SpreadsheetColumnBehaviorOptions.Unhide Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to unhide columns.
SpreadsheetBehaviorOptions.FreezePanes Gets or sets whether or not end-users are allowed to freeze panes.

Set the desired property to the DocumentCapability.Disabled or DocumentCapability.Hidden value, to disable or hide the corresponding command in the Ribbon UI and the spreadsheet popup menu. You can also prevent the context menu from being displayed, as described in the How to: Customize or Hide the Popup Menu example.