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Banded Grid Views

  • 5 minutes to read

Banded Grid View (BandedGridView) displays data in a tabular form and organizes columns into bands. Advanced Banded View (AdvBandedGridView) does the same and additionally supports complex layouts of data cells.

Demo: Banded Views

Bands and Columns

BandedGridView and AdvBandedGridView Views feature bands - stripes that organize grid columns into categories.

Data Grid - Bands - Overview

Columns in banded Views are instances of the BandedGridColumn class and inherit most of their settings from the parent GridColumn class.

Add, Remove, Reorder and Modify Bands

Run the Grid Designer and switch to the “Bands” tab. This tab has buttons to add and remove bands, and a property grid to modify band settings. You can also re-arrange bands by dragging them.

Data Grid - Bands - Drag Bands

In code, create GridBand objects and place them to the BandedGridView.Bands collection.

Related API

Add Columns to Bands

At design time, drag a column and drop it below a band.

Data Grid - Bands - Drag Columns

In code, either access the band GridBand.Columns collection and call its “Add”, “AddRange” and “Insert” methods, or specify the BandedGridColumn.OwnerBand property for a column.

colFreight.OwnerBand = gridBand2;

Related API

Multi-Level Bands

It is possible to stack bands below bands, forming a multi-level band hierarchy.

Data Grid - Bands - Multilevel

To do this at design time, drag and drop bands in the Grid Designer’s “Bands” tab. In code, place child bands into parent bands’ GridBand.Children collections. To retrieve a parent band, use the GridBand.ParentBand property.

//organize bands 2 and 3 under the first one

Band Headers

Use the following API to modify band headers.

Fixed Bands

Similarly to columns, you can anchor bands to left and right sides of a View. Such bands are called fixed and remain in place as end-users scroll through the View.

Data Grid - Bands - Fixed Bands

Related API

Column Layout in Advanced Banded Views

In an Advanced Banded View, a single row can display vertically stacked cells that belong to different columns. The figure below is a screenshot of the Banded Views demo with eight columns stacked into four rows with the “Performance” band above them.

Data Grid - Bands - Columns in AdvBanded

At design time, you can arrange columns by dragging them directly on the form surface.

Related API

using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid;

// assigning columns to bands 
colHP.OwnerBand = bandPerfomancel;
colCyl.OwnerBand = bandPerfomancel;
colCapacity.OwnerBand = bandPerfomancel;
colGear.OwnerBand = bandPerfomancel;
colImage.OwnerBand = bandPicture;
// changing the columns layout within bands 
AdvBandedGridView View = colHP.View
view.SetColumnPosition(colHP, 0, 0);
view.SetColumnPosition(colCyl, 0, 1);
view.SetColumnPosition(colCapacity, 1, 0);
view.SetColumnPosition(colGear, 1, 1);
view.SetColumnPosition(colImage, 0, 0);
// forcing the Image column to stretch its header if needed 
colImage.AutoFillDown = true;

End-User Customization

At runtime, end-users can drag-and-drop columns and bands to customize the layout as their needs dictate. It is also possible to hide and restore bands at runtime by calling the “Customization” dialog.

Data Grid - Bands - Customization

Related API

See Also