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TextInputTimeSpanMaskSettings Properties
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Provides settings used by time span masks.
Name Description
AllowNegativeValue Specifies whether the editor allows entering negative values. This is a dependency property.
AllowNullInput Indicates whether end-users can set the editor’s value to a null reference. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
AssignValueToEnteredLiteral Specifies whether the editor should assign the entered value to a mask part that corresponds to the first symbol of the entered literal. This is a dependency property.
AutoComplete Specifies whether automatic completion is enabled. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
ChangeNextPartOnCycleValueChange Specifies whether to change the next mask part when increasing or decreasing the current mask part out of a valid range. This is a dependency property.
DefaultPart Specifies the mask part (minutes, seconds, etc.) to which to assign the entered numeric value if the editor’s edit value is empty. This is a dependency property.
IgnoreBlank Specifies whether the blank editor value is considered valid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
InputMode Specifies how the time span mask restricts entering large numeric values in mask parts. This is a dependency property.
Mask Specifies the mask expression. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
MaskCulture Specifies the culture whose settings are used by masks. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
MaskType Gets or sets the mask type. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
PlaceHolder Specifies the character used as the placeholder in a masked editor, for the Simple, Regular and RegEx mask types. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
SaveLiteral Specifies whether constantly displayed mask characters (literals) are included in an editor’s value, for the Simple and Regular mask types. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
ShowPlaceHolders Specifies whether placeholders are displayed in a masked editor, for the RegEx mask type. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
UseAsDisplayFormat Specifies whether display values are still formatted using the mask when the editor is not focused. This is a dependency property. Inherited from TextInputMaskSettings.
See Also