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PDF417Symbology.ErrorCorrectionLevel Property

Gets or sets the amount of redundancy built into the bar code’s coding, to compensate for calculation errors.

Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.BarCode.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


[DP(ErrorCorrectionLevel.Level2, Handler = "ErrorCorrectionLevelPropertyChanged")]
public ErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The error correction level.


Available values:

Name Description
Level0 Identifies the zero error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level1 Identifies the first error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level2 Identifies the second error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level3 Identifies the third error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level4 Identifies the fourth error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level5 Identifies the fifth error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level6 Identifies the sixth error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level7 Identifies the seventh error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.
Level8 Identifies the eighth error correction level of the PDF417 bar code.

The error correction system used in the bar codes of the PDF417 type is based on “Reed Solomon” codes.

See Also