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DataMatrixGS1Symbology.MatrixSize Property

Gets or sets the bar code matrix size.

Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.BarCode.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


[DP(DataMatrixSize.MatrixAuto, Handler = "MatrixSizePropertyChanged")]
public DataMatrixSize MatrixSize { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The bar code matrix size.


Available values:

Name Description
MatrixAuto The bar code matrix size is auto-adjusted, depending on the quantity of encoded data.
Matrix10x10 The bar code matrix size is 10x10.
Matrix12x12 The bar code matrix size is 12x12.
Matrix14x14 The bar code matrix size is 14x14.
Matrix16x16 The bar code matrix size is 16x16.
Matrix18x18 The bar code matrix size is 18x18.
Matrix20x20 The bar code matrix size is 20x20.
Matrix22x22 The bar code matrix size is 22x22.
Matrix24x24 The bar code matrix size is 24x24.
Matrix26x26 The bar code matrix size is 26x26.
Matrix32x32 The bar code matrix size is 32x32.
Matrix36x36 The bar code matrix size is 36x36.
Matrix40x40 The bar code matrix size is 40x40.
Matrix44x44 The bar code matrix size is 44x44.
Matrix48x48 The bar code matrix size is 48x48.
Matrix52x52 The bar code matrix size is 52x52.
Matrix64x64 The bar code matrix size is 64x64.
Matrix72x72 The bar code matrix size is 72x72.
Matrix80x80 The bar code matrix size is 80x80.
Matrix88x88 The bar code matrix size is 88x88.
Matrix96x96 The bar code matrix size is 96x96.
Matrix104x104 The bar code matrix size is 104x104.
Matrix120x120 The bar code matrix size is 120x120.
Matrix132x132 The bar code matrix size is 132x132.
Matrix144x144 The bar code matrix size is 144x144.
Matrix8x18 The bar code matrix size is 8x18.
Matrix8x32 The bar code matrix size is 8x32.
Matrix12x26 The bar code matrix size is 12x26.
Matrix12x36 The bar code matrix size is 12x36.
Matrix16x36 The bar code matrix size is 16x36.
Matrix16x48 The bar code matrix size is 16x48.
See Also