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PointData(String, DateTime) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the PointData class with specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Charts.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


public PointData(
    string argument,
    DateTime value


Name Type Description
argument String

The point’s string argument.

value DateTime

The point’s DateTime value.


The following code adds several points with string arguments and DateTime values to a Cartesian chart:

<Charts:CartesianChart x:Name="chart">
public MainWindow() {


    // Create a series:
    Series series = new Series();

    // Specify the series view:
    series.View = new PointSeriesView();

    // Create a point collection and assign it to the series:
    PointDataCollection pointCollection = new PointDataCollection();
    pointCollection.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
    pointCollection.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime;
    series.Data = pointCollection;

    // Add points to the series:
    pointCollection.Add(new PointData("I", new DateTime(2020, 02, 02)));
    pointCollection.Add(new PointData("II", new DateTime(2021, 02, 02)));
    pointCollection.Add(new PointData("III", new DateTime(2020, 01, 02)));
    // Add other points.

    // Add the series to the chart:
See Also