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Lesson 1 - Create a Cartesian Chart

  • 5 minutes to read

This lesson demonstrates how to create a Cartesian chart, bind it to data, add a legend, and configure axes.

DevExpress WinUI | Get Started - Cartesian Chart

Before you proceed with charts, read the following topics:

#Create a New Project

Create a new Blank App, Packaged with Windows Application Packaging Project (WinUI 3 in Desktop) project and add the DevExpress.WinUI NuGet package.

Refer to the following topic for more information on how to create a new project: DevExpress WinUI Controls: Get Started.

#Add a Data Model

In the MainWindow.xaml.cs, add a new DataPoint class that defines a data model:

public class DataPoint
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public double Total { get; set; }

#Add a View Model

In the MainWindow.xaml.cs, add a new ChartViewModel class that specifies a view model:

public class ChartViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public ChartViewModel()
        List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), Total = 396.45 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 02, 01), Total = 496.253 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 03, 01), Total = 536.45 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 04, 01), Total = 539.632 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 05, 01), Total = 634.42 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 06, 01), Total = 645.637 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 07, 01), Total = 696.1 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 08, 01), Total = 701.756 },
            new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 09, 01), Total = 782.822 }
        DataPoints = dataPoints;
    public List<DataPoint> DataPoints { get; }

In the MainWindow.xaml, specify the window’s data context as follows:


#Add the CartesianChart Control to the MainWindow

Add a CartesianChart instance to the window:

        <Charts:CartesianChart x:Name="chart">

#Add a Series and Bind it to Data

<Charts:CartesianChart ToolTipEnabled="True">
        <Charts:Series x:Name="seriesDevAVNorth" DisplayName="Sales (DevAV North)">
                <Charts:LineSeriesView ToolTipPointPattern="{}{A:MMMM, d}: {V:f2}K" 
                <Charts:DataSource PointSource="{Binding DataPoints}" 

#Add a Legend

    <Charts:Legend HorizontalPosition="Center" VerticalPosition="BottomOutside"/>

#Customize Axes

    <Charts:AxisX LabelPattern="{}{V:MMMM}"/>
    <Charts:AxisY LabelPattern="${V}K"/>


The chart is ready. Your code and XAML should look as follows:

        <Charts:CartesianChart x:Name="chart" ToolTipEnabled="True">
                <Charts:Legend HorizontalPosition="Center" VerticalPosition="BottomOutside"/>
                <Charts:AxisX LabelPattern="{}{V:MMMM}"/>
                <Charts:AxisY LabelPattern="${V}K"/>
                <Charts:Series x:Name="seriesDevAVNorth" DisplayName="Sales (DevAV North)">
                        <Charts:LineSeriesView ToolTipPointPattern="{}{A:MMMM, d}: {V:f2}K" 
                        <Charts:DataSource PointSource="{Binding DataPoints}" 
using DevExpress.Mvvm;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CartesianChartSample {
    public sealed partial class MainWindow : Window {
        public MainWindow() {
    public class DataPoint {
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public double Total { get; set; }
    public class ChartViewModel : ViewModelBase {
        public ChartViewModel() {
            List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint> {
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), Total = 396.45 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 02, 01), Total = 496.253 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 03, 01), Total = 536.45 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 04, 01), Total = 539.632 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 05, 01), Total = 634.42 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 06, 01), Total = 645.637 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 07, 01), Total = 696.1 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 08, 01), Total = 701.756 },
                new DataPoint() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 09, 01), Total = 782.822 }
            DataPoints = dataPoints;
        public List<DataPoint> DataPoints { get; }

Run the project. The following image illustrates the resulting chart:

DevExpress WinUI | Get Started - Cartesian Chart