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SankeyDiagramControl Class

Displays a multilevel Sankey diagram.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.Sankey

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v20.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Charts, DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public class SankeyDiagramControl :


A Sankey diagram depicts transfers or flows between entities (also called nodes) in a system. This diagram can help locate the most important contributions to a flow.

The following image displays diagram elements:

sankey diagram elements

Each link connects the source and target nodes and has an assigned value - weight. The width of link is proportional to its weight.


Run Demo: Colorizer

Add to the Project

Drag and drop the SankeyDiagramControl component from the Toolbox to the form to add a Sankey diagram to the project.

This adds references to the following assemblies to the project:

  • DevExpress.Charts.v20.2.Core.dll
  • DevExpress.Data.v20.2.dll
  • DevExpress.DataVisualization.v20.2.Core.dll
  • DevExpress.Mvvm.v20.2.dll
  • DevExpress.Printing.v20.2.Core.dll
  • DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v20.2.dll
  • DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v20.2.dll
  • DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v20.2.dll

Bind to Data

Use the DataSource property to bind the control to a data source. You can assign this property an object that implements any of the following interfaces: IList, IListSource, or IBindingList.

Then, specify the names of data members that store data for source nodes, target nodes, and weights:

  • SourceDataMember - Specifies the name of a data member that contains source node labels.

  • TargetDataMember - Specifies the name of a data member that contains target node labels.

  • WeightDataMember (Optional) - Specifies the name of a data member that contains link weights. If the WeightDataMember property is not specified, weights are equal to 1.

        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <dxsa:SankeyDiagramControl DataSource="{Binding Data}" 
                <dxsa:SankeyTitle Content="Export/Import" 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;

namespace SankeySample {
    public class SankeyViewModel {
        public List<SankeyItem> Data {
            get { return GetData(); }
        public List<SankeyItem> GetData() {
            List<SankeyItem> data = new List<SankeyItem>{                
                new SankeyItem { Source = "France", Target = "UK", Value = 53 },
                new SankeyItem { Source = "Australia", Target = "UK", Value = 72 },
                new SankeyItem { Source = "France", Target = "Canada", Value = 81 },
                new SankeyItem { Source = "China", Target = "Canada", Value = 96 },
                new SankeyItem { Source = "UK", Target = "France", Value = 61 },
                new SankeyItem { Source = "Canada", Target = "France", Value = 89 } 
            return data;
    public class SankeyItem {
        public string Source { get; set; }
        public string Target { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }


Customize Nodes

Assign a SankeyNodeLabel object to the SankeyDiagramControl.NodeLabel property to specify node label settings such as text orientation:

        <dxsa:SankeyNodeLabel TextOrientation="BottomToTop"/>

Initialize the SankeyDiagramControl.NodeTemplate property with a DataTemplate object to customize node label appearance.

        <Rectangle Stroke="Black" 

For more information about template configuration, refer to the following topic: Data Templating Overview.

Sort Nodes

The control automatically arranges nodes based on underlying data. If you wish to rearrange nodes or specify a custom sort order, create a class that implements IComparer<SankeyNode>. Then, assign an object of this class to the NodeComparer property.

The following code arranges nodes in descending order of their TotalWeight values:

using DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.Sankey;
public class MyNodeComparer : IComparer<SankeyNode> {
    public int Compare(SankeyNode x, SankeyNode y) {
        return y.TotalWeight.CompareTo(x.TotalWeight);

The Sankey diagram control uses the SankeyPaletteColorizer to color nodes. A new color from the palette is applied to each node with a unique label. Colors repeat if the number of unique labels exceeds the number of palette colors. To apply a gradient fill to links, the control utilizes the source and target node colors. Specify the SankeyPaletteColorizer.Palette property to change colors that are used to paint a Sankey diagram. You can select one of predefined palettes.

Sankey Palette colorizer configuration

    <dxsa:SankeyPaletteColorizer LinkBrush="Gray">

You can also create a new palette as follows:

    <dxsa:SankeyPaletteColorizer LinkBrush="Gray">

Custom Colorizer

To paint links and nodes based on a custom algorithm, create a class derived from the SankeyColorizerBase class. Then, assign an object of this class to the Colorizer property.

The following example implements a colorizer that applies random colors to nodes and specifies colors used to apply a gradient fill to links.

A custom colorizer is applied to a sankey diagram

    <local:MyColorizer LinkSourceColor="Yellow" LinkTargetColor="Red" />
public class MyColorizer : SankeyColorizerBase {
    readonly Random rand = new Random();
    readonly Dictionary<string, Color> KeyColorPairs = new Dictionary<string, Color>();
    public Color LinkSourceColor { get; set; }
    public Color LinkTargetColor { get; set; }
    public override Color GetLinkSourceColor(SankeyLink link) {
        return LinkSourceColor;
    public override Color GetLinkTargetColor(SankeyLink link) {
        return LinkTargetColor;
    public override Color GetNodeColor(SankeyNode info) {
        if (!KeyColorPairs.TryGetValue((string)info.Tag, out Color nodeColor)) {
            nodeColor = GenerateColor();
            KeyColorPairs.Add((string)info.Tag, nodeColor);
        return nodeColor;
    private Color GenerateColor() {
        return Color.FromRgb((byte)rand.Next(256), (byte)rand.Next(256), (byte)rand.Next(256));

Customize Tooltips

Tooltips are shown when the mouse pointer hovers over a node or link. Use the ToolTipOptions, SankeyToolTipOptions.LinkToolTipEnabled and SankeyToolTipOptions.NodeToolTipEnabled properties to access tooltip settings and disable/enable tooltips.

        <dxsa:SankeyToolTipOptions OpenMode="OnHover" 

Initialize the SankeyDiagramControl.ToolTipTemplate property with a DataTemplate to customize tooltip appearance.

        <Border BorderThickness="1" 
            <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="8">
                <Label Foreground="White" 
                Content="{Binding Path=Info.ToolTipText}" />

To print the control, use one of the methods below:

The following methods allow you to export the control to various formats:

The code below specifies the resulting Sankey diagram image’s width to fit the document width and exports a Sankey diagram to a PDF file:

sankeyDiagram.PrintOptions = new SankeyPrintOptions { 
    SizeMode = DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.PrintSizeMode.ProportionalZoom 


See Also