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Data Grid

  • 3 minutes to read

The WPF Data Grid (GridControl) is a data-aware control designed to display and edit data in different layouts: tabular, treelike, and card. The GridControl allows users to manage large amounts of data (sort, group, filter, and so on).

DevExpress WPF GridControl Grid


Get Started

Bind to Data

Refer to the following topic for more information: Bind to Data.


The GridControl uses Views to display data from a bound data source. You can use the following View types:

  • Table View - displays data in a two-dimensional table.
  • Card View - displays data as cards. Each card arranges fields vertically in a single column.
  • TreeList View - displays data in a tree. Each data record is a tree node.

Views provide options that allow you to specify how to arrange records and fields.

Edit Data

The GridControl allows you to:

Sort Data

The GridControl allows you to Sort Data against one or multiple columns.

DevExpress WPF Grid Sort Data

Filter and Search Data

The GridControl supports the following ways to filter and search data:

Group Data

The GridControl allows you to Group Data by one or multiple columns.

DevExpress WPF Grid Group Data

Display Summaries

The GridControl allows you to display Data Summaries for individual columns or groups of rows. The control ships with a number of built-in functions, such as Sum, Maximum Value, Record Count, and others. You can also implement a custom aggregation function.

DevExpress WPF Grid Summaries

Select Data

The GridControl allows you to select rows, cells, or their ranges.

DevExpress WPF Grid Select Data


The GridControl supports Master-Detail Data Representation. This type of data presentation allows you to visualize two or more data tables linked by one-to-many relationships.

DevExpress WPF Grid Master-Detail


The GridControl supports native drag-and-drop that allows users to:


Conditional Formatting

The GridControl supports Conditional Formatting. You can highlight critical information, identify trends and exceptions, and compare data.

DevExpress WPF Grid Conditional Formatting

Customize Appearance

The GridControl allows you to change the data layout, appearance, and visual presentation of elements (for example, cells, rows, summaries, etc.).

The GridControl allows you to print data and export it in various formats - PDF, RTF, XLS, etc.

DevExpress WPF Grid Printing


Design-time features help you to configure the GridControl.

Grid Smart Tags

  • Quick Actions displayed by the GridControl and its elements help you access common properties.
  • Feature Browser shows a structured list of settings and allows you to search for specific properties.
  • Items Source Wizard generates the data binding and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) code in XAML and code-behind.

Useful Resources