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How to: Implement CRUD Operations in a Data-Bound Grid

  • 6 minutes to read

The following examples demonstrate how to implement CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) in the GridControl bound to a data source.

View Example

These examples follow the One DbContext per request approach. This pattern has the following advantages:

  • Thread-safety.
  • Complete control over which data fields the client retrieves.
  • Complete control over data source queries.
  • The view model and view can work with any Object-Relational Mapping implementation.


If you want to implement the One DbContext per form approach, modify the view model and data layer accordingly.


This example illustrates a basic non-MVVM approach. The data sources for the grid and the combo box editor are set in the window’s constructor.

Bind Grid to Data

The grid displays two columns, so the SELECT query is configured to only fetch the corresponding data fields.

grid.ItemsSource = context
    .Select(product => new ProductInfo {
        Id = product.Id,
        Name = product.Name,
        CategoryId = product.CategoryId

The combo box editor requires only two data fields:

  • Id for item key values.
  • Name for display values.
<dxg:GridColumn FieldName="CategoryId" Header="Category" Width="*">
        <dxe:ComboBoxEditSettings x:Name="categoriesLookup" ValueMember="Id" DisplayMember="Name"/>
 categoriesLookup.ItemsSource = context
    .Select(category => new CategoryInfo {
        Id = category.Id,
        Name = category.Name,

Synchronize Changes with Database

The ValidateRow event is handled to add or update data records.

If the view’s FocusedRowHandle property returns the NewItemRowHandle value, a new record is added to the database.

If the user updates properties in an existing data row instead, the Queryable.SingleOrDefault method checks if there is a data record whose Id matches the row’s Id. If no such record is found, an exception is thrown.

The DbContext.SaveChanges method saves changes to the database.

void tableView_ValidateRow(object sender, GridRowValidationEventArgs e) {
    var productInfo = (ProductInfo)e.Row;
    using(var context = new NorthwindContext()) {
        Product product;
        if(view.FocusedRowHandle == DataControlBase.NewItemRowHandle) {
            product = new Product();
        } else {
            product = context.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == productInfo.Id);
            if(product == null) {
                throw new NotImplementedException
                ("The modified row no longer exists in the database. Handle this case according to your requirements.");
        product.Name = productInfo.Name;
        product.CategoryId = productInfo.CategoryId;
        if(view.FocusedRowHandle == DataControlBase.NewItemRowHandle) {
            productInfo.Id = product.Id;

The KeyDown event is handled to implement row deletion. The DbSet.Find method checks if there is a data record whose Id matches the row’s Id value. The GridCommands.DeleteFocusedRow command deletes the row in the grid itself.

void grid_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
    if(e.Key == Key.Delete) {
        var productInfo = (ProductInfo)grid.SelectedItem;
        if(productInfo == null)
        if(DXMessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to delete this row?", "Delete Row", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
        try {
            using(var context = new NorthwindContext()) {
                var result = context.Products.Find(productInfo.Id);
                if(result == null) {
                    throw new NotImplementedException
                    ("The modified row no longer exists in the database. Handle this case according to your requirements.");
        } catch(Exception ex) {


This example illustrates the MVVM approach.


The Common.DataModel folder contains generic data access interfaces.

public interface ICRUDDataProvider<T> : IDataProvider<T> where T : class {
    void Create(T obj);
    void Update(T obj);
    void Delete(T obj);
public interface IDataProvider<T> where T : class {
    IList<T> Read();

The DesignTimeDataProvider class implements the data access interfaces for use in design time.

The Northwind.DataModel folder contains the fully implemented model for the application.

View Model

The Common.ViewModel folder contains the generic view model - CollectionViewModel.

The CollectionViewModel is not an ObservableCollection. The GridControl handles all data updates and uses commands to pass data to the view model: OnCreateCommand, OnUpdateCommand, and OnDeleteCommand.

If the view model cannot retrieve data from the source, it raises an exception. The exception is handled by the grid, which shows the EntitiesErrorMessage text.

The Northwind.ViewModel folder contains the fully implemented view model for the application - ProductCollectionViewModel. The view model creates different data providers in design time and runtime to prevent the Visual Studio’s designer from fetching data from the database. The NorthwindDataStorageFactory class located in the Northwind.DataModel folder contains the data provider implementations.

Bind View Model Commands to Grid Events

The GridControlCRUDBehavior located in the Common.View folder is a custom behavior that binds the view model commands to the TableView events. You can use this behavior to connect the GridControl to any view model that provides the following commands:

  • OnCreateCommand
  • OnUpdateCommand
  • OnRefreshCommand
  • OnDeleteCommand
    <dxg:TableView x:Name="view" AutoWidth="True" ShowUpdateRowButtons="OnCellEditorOpen" NewItemRowPosition="Top">
            <view:GridControlCRUDBehavior x:Name="CRUDBehavior" NoRecordsErrorMessage="{Binding EntitiesErrorMessage}"
                                            OnCreateCommand="{Binding OnCreateCommand}" OnUpdateCommand="{Binding OnUpdateCommand}"
                                            OnDeleteCommand="{Binding OnDeleteCommand}" OnRefreshCommand="{Binding OnRefreshCommand}"/>

The GridControlCRUDBehavior is also used to bind the toolbar commands to the view model.

    <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="Refresh (F5)" Command="{Binding RefreshCommand, ElementName=CRUDBehavior}" BarItemDisplayMode="ContentAndGlyph" Glyph="{dx:DXImage SvgImages/Icon Builder/Actions_Refresh.svg}"/>
    <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="Delete (Del)" Command="{Binding DeleteCommand, ElementName=CRUDBehavior}" BarItemDisplayMode="ContentAndGlyph" Glyph="{dx:DXImage SvgImages/Icon Builder/Actions_Delete.svg}"/>


This example illustrates the MVVM approach with asynchronous operations.

To implement asynchronous operations, you only need to change two components of the GridControlCRUDMVVM example for use with the asynchronous version of CollectionViewModel:

  • The view model.

    The DataProviderAsyncExtensions class located in the Common.ViewModel folder defines asynchoronus CRUD Task operations for use in the CollectionViewModel.

  • The behavior that binds the view model commands to the TableView events.

    In contrast to the GridControlCRUDBehavior in the previous example, the GridControlCRUDAsyncBehavior utilizes asynchronous commands.