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Create a New .NET Core WPF Application

  • 3 minutes to read

This tutorial describes how to use DevExpress project templates to create a .NET Core WPF application with DevExpress Controls.

Use Visual Studio

The DevExpress .NET Core 3 Desktop Product installation integrates project templates into Visual Studio.


To follow the instructions in this section, install DevExpress .NET Core 3 Desktop products.

Follow the steps below to create a new application.

  1. Run Visual Studio 2019. In the start dialog, select Create a new project.

    netcore create new project

  2. In the Create a new project dialog, search for DevExpress .NET Core WPF application templates. Select a project template and click Next.

    netcore search project template

  3. Specify the project name and solution location. Click Create.

    netcore set project name


Build the application to resolve its NuGet dependencies.

Use the Console


The command-line project templates are available only in online DevExpress NuGet feed.

The command-line project templates require .NET Core 3.1 SDK.

You can use the .NET Core command line interface (CLI) to create a .NET Core WPF application from the console:

  1. Refer to the page and obtain your NuGet Feed URL. This URL includes your personal feed authorization key and is used to install your licensed or trial DevExpress NuGet packages, including DevExpress WPF UI for .NET Core.

  2. Add the obtained URL to NuGet sources.

    Open the %appdata%\NuGet\NuGet.Config file and add the obtained URL to the <packageSources> section:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <add key="Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\" />
            <add key="Nuget" value="" />
            <!-- Add your personal feed URL -->
            <add key="DevExpress" value="{your-feed-authorization-key}/api" />

    Save and close the config file.

  3. Install DevExpress project templates for .NET Core WPF apps:

    dotnet new -i DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.ProjectTemplates.v19.2

    The command output displays a list of installed templates:

        Templates                                                          Short Name               Language          Tags
    Console Application                                                console                  [C#], F#, VB      Common/Console
    Class library                                                      classlib                 [C#], F#, VB      Common/Library
    WPF Application                                                    wpf                      [C#]              Common/WPF
    WPF Class library                                                  wpflib                   [C#]              Common/WPF
    WPF Custom Control Library                                         wpfcustomcontrollib      [C#]              Common/WPF
    WPF User Control Library                                           wpfusercontrollib        [C#]              Common/WPF
    Windows Forms (WinForms) Application                               winforms                 [C#]              Common/WinForms
    Windows Forms (WinForms) Class library                             winformslib              [C#]              Common/WinForms
    Worker Service                                                     worker                   [C#]              Common/Worker/Web
    DevExpress v19.2 WPF Blank Application (.NET Core)                 dxwpf192                 [C#], VB          DevExpress/WPF
    DevExpress v19.2 WPF MVVM Application (.NET Core)                  dxwpfmvvm192             [C#], VB          DevExpress/WPF
    DevExpress v19.2 WPF Dashboard Viewer Application (.NET Core)      dxwpfdashboard192        [C#], VB          DevExpress/WPF
    DevExpress v19.2 WPF Ribbon Application (.NET Core)                dxwpfribbon192           [C#], VB          DevExpress/WPF
    Unit Test Project                                                  mstest                   [C#], F#, VB      Test/MSTest
    NUnit 3 Test Project                                               nunit                    [C#], F#, VB      Test/NUnit
  4. Create a new application using any of the commands below:

    # Creates a new blank application
    dotnet new dxwpf192 -n MyWpfProject -o MyWpfSolution
    # Creates a new application with Ribbon control and Visual Basic code
    dotnet new dxwpfribbon192 -n MyWpfProjectVB -o MyWpfSolutionVB -lang VB
  5. Build and run the new application:

    # Build the blank application
    dotnet build .\MyWpfSolution\MyWpfProject.csproj
    # Run the blank application
    dotnet run --project .\MyWpfSolution\

Project Templates

Template Name Description Components in Use
DevExpress v19.2 WPF Blank Application (.NET Core) An empty application with a ThemedWindow. ThemedWindow
DevExpress v19.2 WPF MVVM Application (.NET Core) An empty MVVM application. MVVM Framework, ThemedWindow
DevExpress v19.2 WPF Dashboard Viewer Application (.NET Core) A dashboard viewer application that shows a dashboard created at design time. DashboardControl
DevExpress v19.2 WPF Ribbon Application (.NET Core) An application with Ribbon-based toolbars. RibbonControl, RibbonStatusBarControl, ThemedWindow