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Agenda View

  • 2 minutes to read

The Agenda View is a chronological list of appointments grouped by day.

To show the view, set the SchedulerControl.ActiveViewIndex property to the necessary view index in the SchedulerControl.Views collection, which stores all views defined in the scheduler.


The SchedulerControl has all views with the default settings enabled out-of-the-box. If you declare any view in XAML or create views using the SchedulerControl’s smart tag, only defined views becomes available. You can specify any number of views with the same type and different settings.


The Agenda view is the AgendaView class in the Scheduler API. It inherits the ViewBase class.

The following properties affect the view’s appearance and functionality:

Property Description
AgendaView.DayCount Gets or sets the number of consecutive days displayed in the Agenda View. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.Days Specifies the collection of System.DateTime values representing the days displayed in the Agenda View.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentArrowImages Gets or sets whether to display arrows that indicate appointments that last more than one day. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentDescription Gets or sets whether to display descriptions within appointments. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentInterval Gets or sets whether to display an appointment‘s start and end date and time. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentLabel Gets or sets whether to display labels within appointments. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentLocation Gets or sets whether to display the appointment‘s location. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentRecurrenceImage Gets or sets whether to display icons that indicate recurring appointments. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentReminderImage Gets or sets whether to display icons that indicate appointments that have reminders. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentResource Gets or sets whether to display the resource name within appointments. This is a dependency property.
AgendaView.ShowAppointmentStatus Gets or sets whether to display the status indicator within appointments. This is a dependency property.