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Custom Fields

  • 2 minutes to read

Custom fields allow you to extend the set of properties of a persistent object, such as Appointments, Resources, Labels and Statuses. You can define custom data fields, map them to custom properties of persistent objects and use these user-defined property values in your code.

To create a custom field mapping, perform the following steps:

  • choose a name that is not on the list of the standard persistent object properties (see the Mappings document)
  • create a custom field mapping in XAML by declaring a CustomFieldMapping within the mappings
  • use the selected name to specify the CustomFieldMapping.Name property value

To obtain a custom field value, use the SourceObjectContainer.CustomFields property and access the required field by its name.

To explain the custom fields technique in more detail, consider the situation when a resource has an associated picture. To display the picture in the resource header, create a custom field that allows obtaining a picture using the ResourceItem custom property value. The picture is contained in the ResourceImage field of the ResourceItem’s source object. The Photo will be the name of a custom property. The following code creates the required custom mapping:

    <dxsch:DataSource ResourcesSource="{Binding MainResources}">
                <dxsch:CustomFieldMapping Mapping="ResourceImage" Name="Photo" />

To display an image in the resource header, create a custom data template in which use the Resource.CustomFields.Photo path for image data binding. Assign the data template to the SchedulerViewBase.ResourceHeaderContentTemplate property.

The following code defines a resource header’s data template. It has a gray background, shows an image obtained using the Custom Fields and displays the ResourceItem.Caption text with a custom font. The data template is assigned to the SchedulerViewBase.ResourceHeaderContentTemplate property.


    <DataTemplate x:Key="resourceHeaderContentTemplate">
                <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                Source="{Binding Resource.CustomFields.Photo}"
                Stretch="Uniform" />
            <StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
                    Text="{Binding Resource.Caption}" />
    <Style TargetType="dxschv:ResourceHeaderControl">
        <Setter Property="ContentOrientation" Value="Horizontal" />
        <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGray"/>