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Language Specification

  • 6 minutes to read

DevExpress binding mechanism uses its own language. This language combines C# and XAML rules. This topic describes these rules in detail.


The following literals are used in the same way as those in C#.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '4'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding Expr='4'}"/>

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4UL}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding .4}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 0.4}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4d}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4e1}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4e+1}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 4e-1}"/>

To define a string literal, use the ` (grave accent) symbol.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding `a string`}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding Expr='`a string`'}"/>

The ‘true‘, ‘false‘, ‘null‘ words are reserved. Words ‘True‘, ‘False‘, ‘Null‘ are not literals.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding true}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding false}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding null}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding True}"/> <!-- wrong (True is considered as a property) -->
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding False}"/> <!-- wrong (False is considered as a property) -->
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding Null}"/> <!-- wrong (Null is considered as a property) -->

Char constants are defined as follows:

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding Expr='`a`[0]'}"/>


The following properties are used in the same way as those in C#.

<!--DevExpress DXBinding--> 
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'Customer.FirstName + ` ` + Customer.LastName'}"/>
<!--Standard approach-->
        <MultiBinding Converter="{local:Converter}">
            <Binding Path="Customer.FirstName"/>
            <Binding Path="Customer.LastName"/>


You can invoke functions inside the DXBinding‘s expression and pass parameters to them.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'Calculate()'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'Calculate(PropA, PropB.Prop1 + 2).PropC'}"/>
<Button Command="{DXCommand 'Calculate(PropA, PropB.Prop1 + 2)'}"/>
<UserControl Loaded="{DXEvent 'Calculate(PropA, PropB.Prop1 + 2)'}"/>


The indexer is used in the same way as the one in C#.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '[1]'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'Property[1+1]'}"/>

The DXBinding extension does not support notifications for indexer properties.

Types and Static Properties

Type definitions start with the $ symbol.

There are some primitive types: $int, $double, …, $string, $object, $bool.

The XAML engine resolves the other types.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '$int.MaxValue'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '$Window.CurrentWindow'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '$dx:DXWindow.CurrentWindow'}"/>
<!-- Using enums -->
<TextBlock Text="Text" Visibility="{DXBinding $Visibility.Hidden}"/>

The typeof word is reserved.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'typeof($int)'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'typeof($Window)'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'typeof($dx:DXWindow)'}"/>

The ? symbol is used for declaring nullable types: $int?, $Type?, $dx:Type?.

Type Casting

Type casting statements are the same as those in C#.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '(double)1'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '(PropertyA as $dx:DXWindow).CurrentWindow'}"/>

Attached Properties

Attached Properties are used in the same way as those in standard bindings. Note that the “$“ (dollar) sign should be used to specify a defining type.

<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '($Window.AttachedProperty).SubProperty'}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'Property.($Window.AttachedProperty).SubProperty'}"/>


The DXBinding supports the following operators:

  • Arithmetic operators

              Operator Name          


       Alternative Syntax   

    Unary plus



    Unary minus




    a + b



    a - b



    a * b



    a / b



    a % b


  • Comparison and relational operators

              Operator Name          


       Alternative Syntax   

    Equal to

    a eq b

    a == b

    Not equal to

    a ne b

    a != b

    Greater than

    a gt b

    a > b

    a &gt; b

    Less than

    a lt b

    a &lt; b

    Greater than or equal to

    a ge b

    a >= b

    a &gt;= b

    Less than or equal to

    a le b

    a &lt;= b

    Type compatibility

    a is b


    Type conversion

    a as b



  • Logical operators

              Operator Name          


       Alternative Syntax   





    a and b

    a &amp;&amp; b


    a or b

    a || b


    a ? b : c


    Null Coalesce

    a ?? b


  • Bitwise operators

              Operator Name          


       Alternative Syntax   





    a &amp; b



    a | b



    a ^ b


    Left shift

    a shl b

    a &lt;&lt; b

    Right shift

    a shr b

    a >> b

    a &gt;&gt; b

  • new operator. Creates a new instance of a specified class.

    Margin="{DXBinding 'new $Thickness(LeftIndent, 0, 0, 0)'}"
  • Assignment operator =. Only the DXEvent and DXCommand extensions support this operator.

    <Button Click="{DXEvent '@e(checkBox).IsChecked=true'}"/>
    <Button Command="{DXCommand '@e(checkBox).IsChecked=true'}"/>

The operator priority is the same as in C#.

Special Words

The DXBinding language supports some reserved words. These words specify locations relative to the target’s position.

  • @s, @Self

    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@s.PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@Self.PropA'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'PropA', RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"/>
  • @p, @TemplatedParent

    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@p.PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@TemplatedParent.PropA'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'PropA', RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"/>
  • @e, @ElementName

    <Button x:Name="bt"/>
    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@e(bt).PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@ElementName(bt).PropA'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'PropA', ElementName=bt}"/>
  • @r, @StaticResource

        <sys:Double x:Key="resource">1</sys:Double>
    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@r(resource)'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@StaticResource(resource)'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource resource}}"/>
  • @a, @FindAncestor

    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@a($Window).Title'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@FindAncestor($Window).Title'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@a($Window, 1).Title'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@FindAncestor($Window, 1).Title'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'Title', RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}, AncestorLevel=1}}"/>
  • @c, @DataContext

    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding 'PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@c.PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@DataContext.PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@c'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@DataContext'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding '.PropA'}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding '.'}"/>
  • @Reference

    <Button x:Name="bt"/>
    <!--DevExpress DXBinding-->
    <TextBlock Text="{DXBinding '@Reference(bt).Content'}"/>
    <!--Standard approach-->
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding 'Content', Source={x:Reference bt}}"/>

When specifying the DXBinding.BackExpr property, you can use the @v or @value reserved word to access the input value.

<Control IsEnabled="{DXBinding Expr='!IsDisabled', BackExpr='!@v'}"/>
<Control Visibility="{DXBinding Expr='IsVisible ? `Visible` : `Collapsed`', BackExpr='@v == $Visibility.Visible'}"/>

When the DXCommand markup extension is used, you can use all the DXBinding’s special words plus the @parameter word to access the CommandParameter.

<TextBlock x:Name="tb" Text="text"/>
<Button Content="OK" Command="{DXCommand Execute='Save(@parameter)', CanExecute='CanSave(@parameter)'}" CommandParameter="{DXBinding @e(tb).Text}"/>

The DXEvent markup extension supports all the DXBinding’s special words plus the @sender and @args words to access the event sender and event arguments.

<TextBlock x:Name="tb" Text="text"/>
<Button Content="OK" Loaded="{DXEvent Handler='Initialize(@sender.Content, @args, @e(tb).Text)'}"/>


DXBinding, DXCommand, DXEvent use interpretation. This allows using dynamic typization, so you do no need to cast values.

Value1 and Value2 can be of different types in the code sample below:

{DXBinding 'BooleanValue ? IntegerValue : StringValue'}

Such expressions are invalid in C#.


  • Generic types are not supported.
  • Nested types are not supported.
  • Non-latin symbols are not supported in property names.
  • The @Reference special word is not supported in DataTemplates.