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The FrameNavigationService is an INavigationService implementation that allows you to navigate between Views within a NavigationFrame.


The service also implements the IDocumentManagerService interface. It allows you to interact with a FrameNavigationService instance as with a document manager service. See Document Services to learn more.

Assume that you need to implement a slide navigation between Views in your MVVM application. To accomplish this task, you can use the FrameNavigationService. Add the FrameNavigationService to NavigationFrame’s Interaction.Behaviors.

        <dxwuin:FrameNavigationService />

Access the FrameNavigationService in our View Model defined as a POCO object and navigate to the required View by using the INavigationService.Navigate method. If the View Model is inherited from the ViewModelBase, use the approach from Services in ViewModelBase descendants.

public class MainViewModel {
    private INavigationService NavigationService { get { return this.GetService<INavigationService>(); } }
    public MainViewModel() { }
    public void OnViewLoaded() {
        NavigationService.Navigate("HomeView", null, this);

In the code snippet above, you can see how to navigate to the HomeView.

In addition to the Navigate method, the INavigationService interface also provides the following navigation methods.

  • GoBack - performs a navigation to the previous view, if permitted.
  • GoForward - performs a navigation to the next view, if permitted.
  • ClearNavigationHistory - clears the navigation journal to disable navigation to the previous view.

Views caching support

The NavigationFrame associated with the FrameNavigationService allows you to cache the shown Views. Depending on the NavigationFrame.NavigationCacheMode property value, a NavigationFrame can cache Views to which it navigates in multiple modes: cache always, cache until the cache size exceeds the defined value, or do not cache at all. The NavigationPages provide the attached NavigationPage.NavigationCacheMode property that overrides the NavigationCacheMode method for specific elements.

To clear view cache at the View Model level, invoke the INavigationService.ClearCache method.

Processing navigation in ViewModel

To support the navigation processing at ViewModels’ level, you can implement the ISupportNavigation interface in your ViewModels. The ISupportNavigation members that occur when navigating to an object and when navigating away from it.

Splash Screen Showing

If you are navigating between content-heavy Views with complex structure, you can show a splash screen by using the FrameNavigationService.ShowSplashScreen while the NavigationFrame content is loading.


The FrameNavigationService provides methods to navigate between Views within a NavigationFrame. This example shows how to use this service. In this example, the MainWindow contains a NavigationFrame, which shows a HomeView at startup. The HomeView contains a Tile, which invokes a command to navigate to a DetailView when clicked. The DetailView contains the Back button for backward navigation.

View Example

<UserControl x:Class="DXSample.View.MainView" 
    mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300" 
    DataContext="{dxmvvm:ViewModelSource Type={x:Type ViewModel:MainViewModel}}">
        <dxwui:NavigationFrame AnimationType="SlideHorizontal" NavigationCacheMode="Required">
                <dxmvvm:EventToCommand EventName="Loaded" Command="{Binding OnViewLoadedCommand}" />
                <dxwuin:FrameNavigationService />