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TcxCustomCheckComboBox.Value Property

This value represents the checked status of the items in the collection.


property Value: Variant read; write;

Property Value



A check combo box control stores the check state of all its items in its Value property. This consists of a bit for each item in the collection. The first bit controls the check state of the first item, the second bit specifies the state of the second item and so on. An item is checked when the corresponding bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the item is unchecked.

Suppose the Value is set to 10, represented by 1010 in binary notation. This means that the second and the fourth items are displayed checked. Other items are unchecked.

The Value property is linked to the EditValue property, i.e. changing the Value property automatically changes EditValue and vice versa.

Although you can use the Value property to get/set states for particular items, it is mostly intended for internal use. The GetItemState and SetItemState methods provide a more convenient way of managing item states.


Use the CalculateCheckStatesValue and CalculateCheckStates methods to calculate the editor’s edit value by the items’ check states and vice versa.

See Also