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SpellCheckerISpellDictionary Class

Represents an XtraSpellChecker dictionary originated from a dictionary in the ISpell format.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker

Assembly: DevExpress.SpellChecker.v14.2.Core.dll


public class SpellCheckerISpellDictionary :


The SpellCheckerISpellDictionary instance is created by decompressing the base file, specified by the SpellCheckerDictionaryBase.DictionaryPath property, with the help of the affix file located at the SpellCheckerISpellDictionary.GrammarPath file path. Base files and affix files are a part of the non-commercial GNU ISpell project.


Currently, you should use ISpell dictionaries only in the plain text format - one word per line, rather than hashed (i.e. not processed with the buildhash utility). Search for them on this page.

See Also