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OptionsSpellingBase.IgnoreUrls Property

Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores the URLs in text.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker

Assembly: DevExpress.SpellChecker.v14.2.Core.dll


public virtual DefaultBoolean IgnoreUrls { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description


A DefaultBoolean enumeration value specifying whether the words which are URLs should be checked.

#Property Paths

You can access the OptionsSpellingBase.IgnoreUrls property from the following objects:

Object Type Path to IgnoreUrls


A word that has one of the following prefixes: "http", "ftp", "https", "www" is presumed to be an Uniform Resource Locator (URL). With IgnoreUrls set to DefaultBoolean.True you can save time by ignoring URL addresses during a spell check.


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