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AppointmentFormControllerBase.CanEditResource Property

Gets a value that indicates whether the resource can be changed for the appointment which is currently being edited in the form.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public virtual bool CanEditResource { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true if the appointment's resource can be changed; otherwise, false.


Resources can be edited only for a base appointment (a base appointment is of the AppointmentType.Normal or AppointmentType.Pattern type) if this appointment is either a newly created appointment (its AppointmentFormControllerBase.IsNewAppointment property's value is set to true) or belongs to a particular appointments collection of the scheduler control and the control's appointments can be dragged between resources (the OptionsCustomization.AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources property).

See Also