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AppointmentFormControllerBase.AssignRecurrenceInfoRangeProperties(RecurrenceInfo, RecurrenceRange, DateTime, DateTime, Int32, Appointment) Method

Assigns recurrence info properties dependant on the specified recurrence range.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public void AssignRecurrenceInfoRangeProperties(
    RecurrenceInfo rinfo,
    RecurrenceRange range,
    DateTime start,
    DateTime end,
    int occurrenceCount,
    Appointment pattern


Name Type Description
rinfo RecurrenceInfo

A RecurrenceInfo object specifying the recurrence information being updated.

range RecurrenceRange

A RecurrenceRange object containing information on the recurrence range.

start DateTime

A DateTime value specifying the appointment start.

end DateTime

A DateTime value specifying the appointment end.

occurrenceCount Int32

An integer specifying the number of occurrences.

pattern Appointment

An Appointment object that is the pattern of the recurrence chain.


Override the AssignRecurrenceInfoRangeProperties method to implement a custom technique for updating recurrence information dependant on the recurrence range.

See Also