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AppointmentFormControllerBase.AreExceptionsPresent() Method

Returns a value that indicates if the appointment currently being edited in the form is an exception, or it's a recurrence pattern with exceptions.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public virtual bool AreExceptionsPresent()


Type Description

true if exceptions are present; otherwise, false.


The AreExceptionsPresent method returns different values on the appointment according to its Appointment.Type. The following is a list of the possible values.

Appointment Type Return Value
Normal false, always.
Pattern Its Appointment.HasExceptions property's value.
Occurrence true if it has been changed (its AppointmentFormControllerBase.IsAppointmentChanged method returns true), or if its recurrence pattern (Appointment.RecurrencePattern) has exceptions (Appointment.HasExceptions); otherwise, false.
ChangedOccurrence true, always.
See Also