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Resource.SetValue(SchedulerStorageBase, String, Object) Method

Performs a transaction to change the value of the specific field in the current resource data record supplied by the specified storage object.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public override void SetValue(
    SchedulerStorageBase storage,
    string columnName,
    object val


Name Type Description
storage SchedulerStorageBase

A DevExpress.XtraScheduler.SchedulerStorageBase descendant that stores data for the resource.

columnName String

A String specifying the data field's name.

val Object

A Object specifying the new value of the field.


Use the SetValue method to change an arbitrary data field in the record for the current resource.

If a resource storage (whose base type is ResourceStorage) is bound to a data source via its DataSource property, information about the resources is taken from the data source's data rows. In this case, the SetValue method can be used to assign a specific value to a field value from the data row that corresponds to the current resource object. The required data field is specified by its name.

The SetValue method, together with the Resource.GetValue and Resource.GetRow methods, can be useful when it is necessary to maintain custom information about a persistent object. In this case, custom information can be stored within specific custom fields of the data source's row.

See Also