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PivotSummaryDataRow Class

Represents a summary data source row.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.PivotGrid.v14.2.Core.dll


public class PivotSummaryDataRow

#Returned By

The PivotSummaryDataSource.Item[Int32] property returns an instance of PivotSummaryDataRow.


The PivotSummaryDataRow class represents a single row from the PivotSummaryDataSource data source. The summary row presents data from a data cell in the pivot grid. To obtain which cell corresponds to the current row, use the PivotSummaryDataRow.Location property.


The values of the summary row cells are obtained using the indexed notation. They can be accessed by the index of their column, the name of the corresponding pivot grid field, or the PivotGridField object that represents the field.


See Also