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PivotGroupFilterValue Class

Represents a group filter value.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.PivotGrid.v14.2.Core.dll


public class PivotGroupFilterValue :


Group filter values are used to define which of the records in the data source should be displayed and used to calculate summaries within the PivotGrid control. Each group filter value corresponds to a field value from one of the group fields. If the corresponding field is not the last in the group, the filter value owns a collection of child filter values (the PivotGroupFilterValue.ChildValues collection) that represent values from the next field. To learn more, see Group Filter.

The PivotGroupFilterValue objects are stored within the PivotGroupFilterValuesCollection collections. These collections are owned by individual group filter values (PivotGroupFilterValue.ChildValues) and field groups (PivotGridGroup.FilterValues).

The field value that corresponds to the current filter value is obtained via the Value property. To obtain the field to which the filter value belongs, use the PivotGroupFilterValue.Field property.


See Also