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SpellChecker Events
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Represents the base component of the DXSpellChecker for Silverlight suite.
Name Description
AfterCheck Occurs when text checking is finished. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
AfterCheckWord Occurs after a word is checked. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
AfterLoadDictionaries Occurs when the dictionaries have been loaded. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
BeforeCheck Occurs before the spell checker begins text processing. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
BeforeCheckWord Occurs before a given word is exposed to a search algorithm. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
BeforeLoadDictionaries Occurs when the spell checker starts loading dictionaries. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
CheckCompleteFormShowing Occurs when the spell check is complete.
CultureChanged Occurs when the culture setting of the spellcheker is changed.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
FinishCheckingMainPart Occurs when the selected part of the text is processed. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
NotInDictionaryWordFound Occurs when a word being checked is not found in a dictionary. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
OptionsFormShowing Occurs when the form used to specify the OptionsSpelling is about to be shown.
PrepareSuggestions Occurs when a misspelled word is found and a list of suggested replacements is created and sorted. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
RepeatedWordFound Occurs when a word identical to the previous one is found. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
SpellCheckModeChanged Occurs when the SpellChecker.SpellCheckMode property is changed.
SpellingFormShowing Occurs when the spelling form is about to be displayed.
UnhandledException Occurs when an unhandled system exception fires. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
WordAdded Occurs after a new word is added to the custom dictionary. Inherited from SpellCheckerBase.
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